old friend

16 3 1

It has been two days since the party, since that text, today is the first day at school, witch means waking up early, and if you don't know i'm not a morning person, i had waking up, but that's life so i jumped out off bed and got ready for school.

The smell of pancakes hit my nose and i moan i pleasure, i love i mean love pancakes i could eat them all day long.

"good morning honey"

"good morning mom" 

"where is everybody"

"oh, Robert and lily, got to school early"

"why?"who go to school an hour early.

"um, it's like a tradition they have since lily was little".

"oh yeah i remember lily tell me about it" 

I began to eat my pancakes but my mom have to destroy it, " honey, are you okay?"

"yeah, why won't i be"

"well, um , since the day of the party you haven't got out of your room, did any thing happened, regarding that boy who got out of your room rushing?" she asked raising an eyebrows, i choked, that morning when i got up i saw Caleb in my bed looking very peaceful, so i panicked and kicked him out of my room.

"um, no?" dame that came out like a question.

" i just want to know one thing"

"what is it?" trying to hide and face in my hands.

"did you guys at least use protection?" she says while smirking, that's my mom lady's and gentlemen she thanks she's cool by embarrassing me.

"oh my god, i'm not gonna hear this, i'm going to school bye" i shot that door without second look at my mom.

i hopped in my car,  turned on the radio and stated driving to school, ten minutes  later i parked i school, got i wish lily didn't went with her dad but came with me so i could avoid all the eyes that would stare at me like i'm kinda freak.

i got out of my car and made my way to the front doors, every one is staring at me, do i have something on my face, oh yeah i'm the new kid hahah, i took my scutual and my looker compenation

when i got to my looker i heard a squeezing sound from behind my.

"hello, sunshine" turned around to see smiling lily.

"what got you in a good mood?"

"why won't i?"

"um, i don't know maybe we are in school it's like forbidding to be happy at school or when you even think of school" i said laughing she joint but we were interpreted by the bell.



"well see you later bitch"

"see ya"

i made my way to my first class witch was homeroom, okay i can to this, i opened the door and put the best fake smile i can master.

"hello, you must be  the new girl" the teacher said.

"that's me"

"well welcome i'm Mr. green but because i'm cool and all you could call me Mr. Green" wow he have a scene of hummer. hint the sarcasm.

"sure thing Mr. Green".

"you wanna intrudes your self"

"nah thanks" i waved my hand at him.

"okay come in and have a seat" this hole conversation took place basically in the hallway, rolling my eyes and came inside.

"Iz ?" i turned around to see Kian, what , there is no fucking way that's black he looked hotter now way hotter, oh Kian is my best friend since we were in dippers but he moved away when we were fifteen, i haven't heard from him since.

"NO FUCKING WAY , KIWIIIIII"  i screamed and jumped in his arms.

"oh my god look at you, you look hot " he complement still holding me in his arms

"not so bad your self"

"when did you move here"

"couple of days ago"

"oh, god i miss you so much"

"um, kiwi"


"i kinda can't breath"

"i don't care"

after our little catching up and by that hugging he let me go and went to tack a seat. "wow you have been here only one second and you already hugging guys" turned to my right to see Caleb next to me, i just rolled my eyes at his comment.

"not even gonna say any thing not even after that night" he said with a voice like he was hurt and he put a hand on his heart.

"nothing happened"

"the way i remember it you were crying really bad, and by the way why were you?" he asked all serious now.

"non of your business, oh and don't tell any one most importantly not Kian"

"okay i will tell him"

"what"i whispered yell back, i literately told him not to.

"when girl say something like that they don't mean"

"well not this gal" pointing at my self"

"i won't tell him in one condition"

"what is it?" raising my eyebrows.

" a kiss"

"hell no"

"okay i knew it was a long shot, a date one date and if you didn't enjoy we won't have to go on a second one" he said i could see hope in his eyes for me to say yes.

" why you wanna go on a date with me?"

"your hot"

"your not"

"aw that really hurt"


"so what do you say?

"hey Iz" Kian interrupted.


"wanna come to the mall with us after school?"


"yeah, me and my friend here witch you already know Caleb and couple of my friends and their girls".

"um, yeah sure"

"um ,Iz?".

"yes kiwi?"

"um... did lily came with you, i mean is it true that now you two are like step sisters, i mean i heard it form my mom, i just-" i cut him from rattling.

"yes we are sisters now, why?"

"um, i just" he stopped and i can see a little pink in his tips ears.

"well well well little kiwi have i crush on little lily?" i question him witch gain me more blush, got he is so cute.

"no what no" he said and that lush keeping on getting redder.

"dude, chill, so you want me to invite her to go with us to the mall huh?"

"um yeah sure that's okay" he tried to play it cool , god they will make a perfect couple.

well we will see what will happen after school, god i really hope that Caleb forget about me crying like that and tell Kian, if he knew he will flip and he will make me tell him what happened, witch i can't tell him not only him i can't tell any body or they will get hurt , i can't risk that.

not again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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