JP (model) living a double life *chapter 8*

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******okay this is just for u jpearly ^_^ here is the next chapter and 4 votes and new one comes up and trust me u want the nxt one its filled wit alot of stuff....oh btw i wrote part of this while i was drunk so sorry if its a lil funny :P okay here it is and come on ppl help me out im on 14 of whats hot i got nocked down 4 pages lol.*******


After we got to class I buried my head into my hands. God, why are men so hard.


"whats wrong baby?"

"a lot, men."

"don't worry about him, im here now."

"I know, shits just hard now, you know?"

"yeah, it'll get better."

The rest of the class I spaced out, god what is wrong with me? Romeo made sure to give everyone a PDA of our realationship. I was sitting in last peiord with Romeo.

"what are you doing after school?"

"nothing, why?"

"my sister wants to meet you. She doesn't believe that your you. If you don't want to its fine."

"yeah, ill go with you, its no problem."

I was nervous about meeting his family but I'll get over it. After school I rode with him to pick up his sister. The whole way he looked at me and smiled. we pulled up right before her school let out.

"want to go with me to get her?"

"um...yeah, okay."

"don't worry, it'll be fine. For someone whos not afraid of cameras your sure scared of a 9 year old."

"im not scared! Im nervous that's all."

We got out and he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to the front and wait for Brianna. After a few minutes a little girl stomped out. She looked pissed off.

"Bre, whats wrong?"

"stupid cody, stupid boys."

"what happened?"

"he embarrassed me in front of the whole class."

"who is he, ill fuck him up."

"no! don't worry about it, anyways whos the chick under your arm this time?"

THIS TIME? What the hell does that mean?

"Bre, this is JP, JP that's Bre."

"hi, your brother told me so much about you."

She gave me a hug as I took off my sun glasses.

"OH MY GOD! Its her, you wasn't lying. Wow your so pretty and especially up close. So how did you manage to get this one?"

"she knows Bre, and how do you think? My good looks. Nah, I don't know she got me to fall for her, literally."

"har har, so what you're the one that fell asleep, not my fault."

"you are so going to get it. Come on lets get home."

"she going to our house?"

"yeah, where else would she go?"

"but dad?"

"so, he wont be home till later."


Wonder what that was all about? We got in the car and Romeo held my hand as we drove to his house. We pulled up and walked in. Bre ran up to go talk to her friends.

JP (model) living a double lifeWhere stories live. Discover now