Three: Clean-Up In Aisle Awkward Please!

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Finally got around to writing the third chapter. Your welcome, I guess.

Yes, Wattpad finally has word count! That shouldn't make me as happy as it does, but whatever - for some reason, I enjoy having word counts.

I am really happy with this story. I sit on my bed, typing to Katy Perry, feeling elated that this is one of my stories that I'm truly happy about. To be honest, this story has little to no planning. The most planning I do is the summaries, covers, and chapter names, and I didn't even do the cover, so yeah, I think that says a lot.

Okay, I just made myself sad, time to move on to the actual story part.


After my sugar high had finally wore off and left my system, I decided to explore the store. There wasn't much I hadn't already seen, but it gave me something to do other than think about what it would be like if my last days were spent in a Meijer of all places.

Okay, maybe that's a little overdramatic, considering I was trapped in a place that provided all the neccessary equipment to suriving in the wilderness, and the most wilderness I could get here was if I hung out with the lawn decorations and tangoed with our plastic flamingos and gnomes, but a girl was allowed to panic from time to time, wasn't she?

It took a while of me just wandering around before I realized I was exhausted. my jeans felt like cold sheets of ice wrapped around my legs, and my bra bit into me uncomfortably. It was an old one, with stretched straps and it's wire poking me in the armpit. The padding had long since faded and once upon a time, it had been white.

If I was planning on making the best of this situation, like the good sport I so clearly was, I wasn't going to be able to do it in these clothes. Some pajamas would be needed.

It was around 3 in the morning, or at least somewhere around that point of time, I think. The ice cream overload was making me hyperaware of how dark it was outside, and how I would just be watching reruns of old Disney shows at this point in time if I was at home, in my cushy bed with my warm blankets and fluffy pillows.

It was odd, to still be up for this long. I strongly believed that my little faint session had destroyed whatever sense of time I had before closing time, however, and allowed it just this once. I liked to be in contol of things, especially the time, and with that taken away, it could leave a person very confused.

Well, that, and an assload of ice cream that went straight to your head, which was not a very good combiantion to have in this kind of situation.

Eliza and Ted were God-knows-where, making the employee part of me realize that Marty would tell me "it's one thing to borrow from the store the necessities for life, but if I find out those two hoodlums stole a dime of my inventory, your ass will be shredding the line, Rowlly!" before slicing my head clean off my shoulders.

Knowing him, he'd probably make my decapitated body clean up the mess.

He really was such a pleasant man.

I wonder how much of my ass I would be throwing under the bus if I told him that Ted wasn't as much as a hoodlum as his sister was.

But that was probably just the part of me had been ogling his muscles talking. And the small part of me that was kind of creeped out by his sister.

(Okay, big part of me, but whatever.)

Eh, with any luck Marty would just blame it on my hormones.

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