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Lily as Holland Roden

Plain Black Coffee

Chapter 2:

Wednesday, April 13th 2016

"Wow" I gasped still not believing the masterpiece in front of me.

He was gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous.

"Excuse me ?" He cleared his throat looking at me with a questionable look and I stuttered "You have a-uhm large collection of-you know drinks"

"Yeah, have you chosen ?" He asked fixing his stunning hazel eyes on me.

I couldn't breathe, he was so beautiful that I was staring at him for god knows how long.

Brandon noticed my frozen self and cleared his throat ordering something, I really was not paying attention, my mind was blank and all what I was analyzing were this mysterious guy's fingers that were gliding so smoothly on the paper writing the order.

"And you miss ?" Those words sounded like velvet coming out of his mouth.

"Yo- I mean latte, sorry" I stuttered ordering the thing that I hate the most. But I somehow related lattes with him, he was so pretty and artistic.

I guess I now have to like lattes because I think I like him.


"Thank you for agreeing to go out with me" Brandon smiled as he parked in front of my house. "You're different than what I thought"

"Yeah, I knew you'd think so" I nodded and he added "I'd love to go out with you again but-"

"But I'm not as interesting, I'm so simple and plain and boring. I know Brandon" I smiled bored of hearing the same thing over and over again

"How did you know ?" He seemed so surprised and shocked, maybe even relieved to not have to tell me that himself.

"It's not the first time that I've heard it, it's cool really" I shrugged,

"That's why you don't often go on dates"

"Yup, because they're always disappointed at the end" I sighed opening the door ready to go until Brandon grabbed my arm.

"Even if you're not what they always expect, you're still a really kind hearted girl" He smiled as I mumbled a thank you and good night.

Thursday, April 4th 2016

"So what do you think ?" Shani twirled showing off her white dress and red stiletto heels.

"You look cute" I say forcing a smile. She was going on her third date with this super hot guy.

Of course I'm jealous, I've never been asked to go on a second date let alone a third one.

"Really ? Just cute ?" I shrugged getting up from her bed.

"Yeah, anyways I gotta go" I say grabbing my keys and slipping on my Chanel espadrilles.

"Where ? I want you to do my hair" she whined and I shook my head saying "Prim needs to go to her friend's house. And you know no one has the time to take her"

"Fine, but I'll call you once it's over" She gives me a petty look and I walk out of her house to my car.

I really did not deserve Shani as a friend, I knew she sometimes envied my clothes and appearance or whatever but I always got jealous of her personality. She was so funny and interesting unlike the old boring me.

I sigh parking in front of the small isolated coffee shop. I don't know why I'm here, I was just driving to think but now I'm in front of it.

I get out of my car and go inside sitting on a table because in all honesty I hated booths, and all my friends think I'm crazy because of that. I was scrolling down my Instagram drowned in my thoughts until someone cleared their throat and I looked up to find the same hot guy I saw yesterday.

"Hey I remember you" He says smiling and I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore until he adds "did you cut your hair and dye it- oh never mind, I thought you were someone else"

"Right, what did you want again ?" I roll my eyes frustrated because I did want him to remember me.

"I think I should be asking you this question, remember ? You're in a coffee shop" he raises his eyebrows signaling to his little note book and pen.

"Oh yeah, I'll take a plain black coffee"
"Are you sure ? Yesterday you ordered a latte" He asks and my eyes widen

"So you do remember me" I say grinning and his cheeks blush as he taps his feet on the ground.

"Yeah I was just playing you, anyways latte or coffee ?"

"A plain black coffee" I confirm hiding my smile and mumbling under my breath "for the last time ever"

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