The Crazy Softball Game

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It was just after 2:45 pm when I got home from school, my first softball game was at 7:00. My friends Mattie and Ayla were pitching, and I was playing at second base. Everyone on the team was nervous even the coaches, but we were all excited about the first game to. We had to be at the baseball field in Westminster by 6:15 so I had time to do my homework. I had math, reading, and social studies homework. In math I had to answer 20 questions about fractions, In social studies I had to fill in a page of notes about the Cold War, and in reading I had to read for 30 minutes. After I finished with my homework which took me about an hour and a half to do I got out a bowl poured some milk in and put Coco Puffs in it. When I finished eating my snack I put my softball uniform on, we had a sleeveless orange shirt, black softball pants, orange socks, and black cleats. The name for our softball team was The Ladies Tigers after our favorite football team. When I finished getting dressed I got my purple water bottle and glove and got into my moms mini van. As we drove to the softball field we stopped to get pizza as a good luck dinner, by the time we were finished it was already 5:45 which was perfect timing. When we got to the field I grabbed my glove and water bottle and went to warm up, first you have to stretch and after you loosen up you can throw the ball around and practice hitting. When it was time for the game to start everyone was really excited. Since we were not for here we got to bat first, because of my last name I got to bat first which was overwilming. While the pitcher on the other team warmed up I got in the batters box and took a couple of practice swings. When I was practicing I was also watching the pitcher to see how good she is, and she was ok so we had a chance. When the umpire said "play ball" I was in the zone, the first chance I got I hit the ball right over third base and started running like there was no tomorrow. And when outfield finally got the ball into the infield I was already running for home plate. When I was half way to home I caught a glimpse of first baseman running right for home so the first chance I got I slid into home plate a split second before first baseman did. And when the umpire called it safe I was so happy, and so was my team, they were cheering and laughing. What a great way to start off your first softball game of the season. But we still had a lot more to handle in this game, because you know that when something good happens something bad is always bound to happen to. And that just did in the third inning when we were winning 7-5 and the other team was batting someone hit a real good one off the tip and It was heading straight for first. It was rolling on the ground when Mattie caught it at first, "one out" called the umpire, but that was not the end of that out. Then Mattie threw me the ball and before I knew what was happening I caught the ball and was heading for second. When I got there the other teams player started heading for third I was chasing after her now. And then she stopped in the middle of second and third and was coming back to me. I was running at her now then I run up to her and tagged we out. When I did all of the sudden she knocked me over and punched me in he gut. The next thing I now I'm in a hospital room with a black eye. When my mom comes in she told me that after she punched me once she did it again in the face and then Mattie came over and carried me to the dugout. Mom told me that the other team lost by 2 points 7-9, and that the girl who punched me has mental issues and felt really sorry about what she did to me. When mom was done talking I said " man that girl can punch". And that was the end of that, our first game was overwhelming and I hoped that the other ones whoops not be that way.
So you can see, that is my crazy first softball game.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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