Chapter 9: Friends with benefits?

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So I haven't wrote in a while. I apologize. Though please read my new story: I'd fall in love with you but it's complicated. Well thankyou and enjoy.

Petra bristled over with a bounce in her step as she handed the others tea. After the shower, she had thoroughly well fucked hair however could only feel elation. She felt a burst of energy she thought she could never feel.

Slowly she handed the others there sweet teas while handing Levi his bitter tea.

"Thank you, Petra." Levi picked up his cup and put the rim to his lips, sipping softly. "Mm..." he set the cup down as he tasted the bitter sharpness that hit his tongue; just a touch of lemon. "You made it different tonight."

"I did. I added a squeeze of hate it?" Petra cocked her head.

"Actually, I like this kind with lemon. And you know I prefer my teas bitter to quit acting like you don't know what you're doing." Levi raised his brows at her, only causing the redhead to giggle.

"Captain I don't get how you can drink all this tea..." Auruo sipped away at his own cup. "It doesn't have a whole lot of flavor to it..."

The whole squad stopped what they were doing and stared at the boy, including his captain. Eren only looked at Auruo, then Levi, then back at Auruo again, a look of panic crossing his face.

"Did you really just sit here and tell me tea has no flavor?" Levi rested his chin in his hand, giving his subordinate the stare down.

"Ahh...! Heichou I'm not trying to start an argument or anything like that really!" Auruo hunched up.

"No argument here. Friendly debate. Now..." Levi continued. "You do realize you can flavor it to your liking, right?"

"Well...yeah...but it's never sweet enough..."

"Tch. Really? All of you and your sweet fucking tongues." Levi rolled his eyes.

"I like bitter too, heichou!" Eld spoke up.

"And that's why you're second in command." Levi took another sip of tea.

This only caused Eld to shake his head and let out a chuckle. "Well see my fiancé back at home...she loves her tea with tons of sugar, honey, cinnamon...all that crap. And I'm just like, 'How can you drink all of that sugar?'"

"Huh, well sounds like somebody we know." Levi turned his head and motioned towards Petra, only causing the squad to laugh.

"Heyyyy!" Petra whined. "So I like my tea and coffee sweet. Big deal..."

"That's probably because you're sweet, little Petra." Gunter smiled.

"Oh stop that Gunter; I'll kick you..." Petra blushed, only causing the dark haired man to laugh.

"You are the little sweetheart." Eld continued. "But you can be one tough cookie."

"That's an understatement...." Auruo muttered.

Eren only watched as the squad talked and laughed amongst themselves. They really did all get along pretty well, and it was a little strange seeing Captain Levi crack a joke, even if his face stayed the same. To Eren, Levi initially seemed like a real loner, he seemed like he could be interactive if he wanted to, but just maybe around certain people.

"Well," Levi traced the rim of his teacup with his index finger. "I'll admit, sometimes I like a little bit of sweet; when the occasion calls for it." He looked up and turned his gaze over to Petra. "What do you think Petra?"

Her eyes were suddenly caught in his gaze. She was stuck staring into those blue eyes again, just like she had been only a couple of hours ago when he had her crammed up against that shower wall. Did he really just hint at her? In front of the rest of the guys? Did anyone even notice...? She looked around the No it didn't seem like anyone had caught onto Levi's lewd little reference there. But she wasn't about to let him get away with it either.

It's complicated: Levi x Petra LemonWhere stories live. Discover now