Chapter 14: Summer

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Yawning, Petra stretched out her arms above her head before focusing on the raven male at the side of her who was sleeping soundly. Face down on the pillow in a deep sleep as his light breathing could be heard.

It had been just over two months since Levi had confessed his feelings and they had started dating she realized smiling to herself shyly. It had honestly been the best time consisting of Levi taking her out on dates and generally just spending time together meant the world to her.  Being able to walk around the building holding hands without a care in the world.

The best part was as the days stretched out, it was the first day of July meaning only one thing; summer had began. Light nights staying up late and sleeping lazily in the later morning with nothing to get up for. Absolute heaven. In fact, today was the final day before the survey corps split up to enjoy the holidays. Erwin usually disappeared to catch some rays, being a nice change to the cruel nature of the titans where he had to write condolences for the brutal deaths of his colleagues almost everyday. It was a job that only the strongest of hearts could cope with, managing to not break down into loud sobs while giving out the constant bad news. To remain optimistic even though nothing positive had came out of it and more lives were lost for no great cause. Petra could certainly not do the job Erwin could. Not in a million years.

No,summer was the one time that everybody got to relax with no responsibilities and get a tan. She couldn't help but wonder what her and Levi's plans would be. Hopefully they'd get plenty of time alone. She giggled to herself quietly while Levi gave no impression he would wake up any time soon, now tightly grasping the cushion as his snores grew louder in the small room.

Sitting up, she dangled her legs off the edge bed while staring hopelessly out of the window. Today, the horizon was bleached orange with yellow streaks flooding the sky with bright colours as the sun awoke out of its slumber. Petra loved watching the rise as it gave her a sense of euphoria. The smaller things in life she found to be the most meaningful and worthwhile.

Two pairs of arms wrapped behind her, catching Petra by surprise before snuggling back into Levi. He raised his head sleepily, with tufts of black hair sticking up in all directions. He was clearly not awake which she found to be endearing, taking the opportunity to lightly run her fingers through his hair. Levi lightly groans but doesn't stop her. Something he wouldn't usually allow her to do in his awake state. Grumbling impatiently and swatting her hand away when she tried. Only now, he wasn't affected simply resting contentedly onto her shoulder like a small child.

"You weren't next to me" he murmured drowsily. His eyes half shutting. She can't help but smile placing a gentle kiss on his temple crawling back up to the bed.

"I know but I'm here now you can go back to sleep" she whispered coaxingly slipping back under the covers facing him.

"I might just do that" Levi mutters spooning her small waist against his torso before his head falls onto the pillow quickly falling back asleep as quick as he woke up. Warm with his touch, Petra also feels herself being lulled into the temptation. Cuddled up to her superior, she slowly closes her eyes as everything fades.


The day was growing later as the couple lay cozily in Levi's room snuggled up against each other despite the growing humidity. The suns rays streaming through the open windows and brightening up the small space.

Petra shifted, her eyes slowly opening to stare up at the ceiling dazedly . How long had she been asleep for? She had no idea. Only it felt a lot later than the early sunset she had woken up for. Nudging Levi, he stirred muttering under his breath before shuffling back into his sleeping position. Petra wanted to get up therefore she was going to wake up Levi if it killed her. Nudging him again, Levi reflexively swats her hand away. Petra could feel herself getting more irritated. Didn't he realize he was sleeping the day away or care?

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