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Hey guys! Thanks for the six followers, even though I never really posted a story.

So, to keep them, I'm going to give them an AMAZING story. That I have written myself with my own handwriting (which sucks, by the way).

Anyways, ENJOY!!!



Rosalie, or Rose, Ashlen Watson was a young blonde haired, blue eyed cutie that every guy wants, but one stood out. That one guy has turned her life around. For the better (surprisingly)! To her, that meant the world.

She was very close to her mother. And, after the constant begging, her mother rewarded her with a little sibling of her own, a brother. She will love her family. Her brother, Ashworth, Ash, Andrew Watson, was born when she was only four years old. They, also, barely had enough cash for their needs.

After a year, when she was about five and her brother wasn't even one year old yet, was what turned her life into a confusing spiral. Her mother died in a car crash. That left her feeling frightened, but put on a brave face. For her brother's sake. He depended on her now. For she was the only female left in the family. She wasn't even sure if they had aunts, uncles, cousins, or grandparents.

Their father, however, always showed how much their mother's death devastated him. He began to drink. Soon he spent all their extra cash on alcohol. He began to drink so much that he started taking his rage out on Rose, his little princess, but she always took the blows with dignity and pride.

For she didn't want their father to focus his rage, his anger, on her baby brother. He meant everything to her. Because he was a spitting image of their mother. Brown shaggy hair and gray eyes to go with it. More like a light gray color.

And she would do whatever it took to keep their father's eyes on her.

But the abuse could only go so far.

When she turned six years old, their father raped her. It was wrong of him to do so. She, still, took it. Knowing full well it's his fault for making their mother mad. For if he didn't make their mother angry, then she would still be here. 'You worthless bitch!' is what he would holler at her (Rose). During one of his rape sessions. She made sure that Ash wasn't around to witness it happening.

She could never hurt their father. For he was their only parent left.

After about eleven years of the abuse, ten for the rapes, she finally cracked. In the middle of the night, she woke her brother up and escaped Tokyo. Heading toward a little town she heard about: Domino City.

She got a job and raised enough money to buy a cheap apartment in the dump side of Domino. It, at least, gave them a place to live.

Soon she raised enough to buy a futon. Her and her brother share it. This all happened over the summer.

When school was about start, she enrolled her brother into Domino Middle School. Then she enrolled herself into the high school. The middle and high school are down the street from each other so she could pick her brother up and drop him off. She would see to it that he's protected. All of this was the day before school actually started.

The next day is where our story begins.


So? What do you think?

PM me your thoughts or leave me a message.

Gotta get to typing up Chapter one (*whispers: Which I finished writing today*).


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