Chapter One

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Dipper's POV
To start off, you need to know something. This is my story, and it's not a happy one. It's not one of those fairytales Mabel loved to read when we were little, and it does not have a happy ending...if this were a movie? It'd be a horror one. Well, that's how it felt at least. This story is all 100% true. I remember it all. I'm telling you all this so you can help me out, so you can get help, so you can retell this story(though I don't see why you'd want to), so you can not make the same mistake as I did. My name is Dipper Pines, I'm 12 years old, and this is the story of what happened back in Gravity Falls in the summer of 2012.


An old man who went by the name of Stanford Pines gathered up some old scrolls underneath his arms as he grunted and heaved up a case as well that had some other equipment and possibly...a dead owl, but that was yet to be discovered, and he could care less on how it was there or not. It didn't matter. He grunted as he trudged up those creaky, wooden stairs that belonged to his rather old basement he had for 30 years, though yet it was the same place. Not a thing changed. As he pushed open the basement door,(which was a vending machine)he squinted as a ray of sunlight flashed through the gift shop. He continued to walk and pass the room he was in until he reached the table beside the living room. The old man sighed as he put down those scrolls and cases he had with him onto the wooden table. It was then he called the family meeting. Sounds of...pugs yipping and Spanish yelling were heard as well as little footsteps running on the floor. Mabel and Dipper soon appeared in the room, looking concerned and confused.

"Ah, yes, children." Ford said with a small smile before gesturing to the chairs that were beside the table. "Have a seat." The kids looked at one-another and sat down on the old chairs, facing their attention to their great uncle. "Now," He started off his sentence and grabbed a scroll with a sigh, gulping on the inside. "Do any of you recognize this symbol?" He flipped down the scroll and opened it up...and there he was on there. With cryptic hieroglyphics pasted on it.

The preteen boy's heart stopped and he felt a lump in his throat as he stared at the scroll his uncle held before him in vain. That guy. "Bill." He stated blandly with a glare.

He seemed surprised. "You-you know him?"

"Know him?" Dipper scoffed. "He's been terrorizing us all summer!" Now his eyes weren't just full of hatred, they were full of worry too.

"Dipper's been pretty paranoid since Bill turned him into a living sock puppet." Mabel chimed in, her face looking a bit worried as well.

"But the important thing is we beat him twice."

"Once with kittens and once with tickles!" She grinned.

He frowned. "It's a lot more heroic than it sounds."

"The fact that you dealt with Bill is gravely serious." Stanford stated, fixing his glasses.

"So..." The 12-year-old boy started off his sentence, curious for answers. "How do you know Bill?"

The old man shook the question away. "I've encountered many dark beings in my time, Dipper. What matters are his powers are getting stronger and if he pulls off his plans, nobody in this family will be safe!"

Mabel gasped.


"Fortunately, there should be a way to shield us a way from his mental tricks. A way to Bill-proof the shack." He stated as he drew a map of the shack on paper, muttering things to himself such as: "All I have to do is place some moonstones here and here and sprinkle some mercury..." He then paused and tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Let's see, I always forget what the last ingredient is..." Ford flipped open his maroon 6-fingered hand journal to a page then read over it then let out a heavy sigh. "Ugh, Unicorn hair."

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