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As she tended to the animals, Sarnai's mind began to wander back to the man in the street.

Why would he just smile like that? What does he know?

Her worry caused her hand to grasp at the simple key hanging around her neck: a nervous tick that developed after her parents died when she was 11. The key, which was plain except for a ruby in the center, was given to her by her mother just days before they passed.

She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts as a heavy sense of discomfort crashed into her. She glanced up at Caval, one of the many city's plow horses.

"I'm sorry, Caval" She cooed as she went to comfort him. "I'm just being paranoid, that's all. Would you like some oats?"

Caval snorted and shook his head, causing his platinum mane to drift into his eyes. Sarnai's heart unclenched and she let out a relieved sigh.

Her communication with animals often goes both ways. Because they are sensitive to emotions, and she feels theirs, Sarnai's everyday worries are often met with twice the weight, so she's usually more careful about where her thoughts go while in the barn.

As she set the pail full of oats in front of the beastly stallion, the sun shining in her eyes through the west window reminded her of the work day's end.

"I must find out what that man plans to do with my secret, Caval" Sarnai whispered as she stroked his golden brown snout. She felt a wave of encouragement and she smiled at him. "Thank you. I needed that."

Sarnai finished her chores for the day and took a deep breath as she made her way toward the library.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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