Pacifica Northwest, part 1

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Mabel was super excited, today, she and her twin brother Dipper, went back to Gravity Falls!

Finally she would see her friends again, Grenda, Candy, Wendy!

But first, the bus trip. Waddles was coming back with them too.

Mabel wore her " I'm back! " sweather. It was a pink, fluffy sweather with an waving hand. And of course above it " I'm back! "

Mabel looked through the window. The bus was empty, except the grumpy bus driver. Waddles really liked his pants, and chewed on them with a happy " Oink! "

They were almost there, the woods came closer. Mabel would go visit the Gnomes this time, but she would take a leaf blower with her, just to be sure.

Highschool wasn't that bad. It was just really different. Sure, people laughed at her sweathers and the silly things she said, but it was okay.

She was 13, end of the summer she would turn 14. Already 14, growing up goes so fast..

She looked at Dipper. He was sleeping and snored soft.

She looked again through the window. She pressed her nose against the glass. Was that a manotaur? She just waved at the shadow. The shadow waved back at her. She smiled. She missed it here..

There it was, the nameplate. " Gravity Falls, nothing to see here folks! "

Mabel screamed. " Dipper! We're back! "

Dipper woke up, sleepy. " Ugh, why are you so loud.." Then he woke up for real, his eyes wide open. " We're back! " He said with a big smile.

The bus drove a bit further, to the shack. A few more trees.. And there it was! The Mystery Shack! Waddles oinked. The bus stopped.

Mabel and Dipper grabbed their stuff. The bus doors openend with a " Pshh "

Mabel and Dipper looked at each other, smiled and stepped out.

A door opened and Soos ran to them. " Hey dudes! " He said, with a big smile. Mabel gave him a big hug and Dipper high fived him. " Welcome back! "

When they came inside the shack, everyone was there! Well, many of their friends. Grenda,Candy and Mabel sprinted to each other. " Kyaaaaa! " they screamend, high with Grenda's lower voice blended in. " It's so good to see you guys! " Mabel said, with a huge smile.

" Ohoh! You're brace is gone! " Grenda said with her heavy voice.

Mabel wanted to say something but turned to Dipper. Dipper stared at Wendy, blushing. " L-long time no see! " He said. He wore her hat every day, even if it was hot, always. And today,she wore his old hat. She smiled at him " Hey Dipstick! "

I smiled and turned back to my friends. " Yes, since a month or something " She said. She kinda missed them, she had them so long..

" Hey, braceface "

Mabel turned to the voice, Pacifica Northwest..

" Too bad, they're no longer with me! " She said with a big smile. " Long time no see Pacifica! "

" Indeed, Mabel Pines " Pacifica said.

Pacifica looked great and rich like always, even if she wasn't as rich as before.

" Alright then, friends! It's time to party! " Mabel shouted and ran to the stereo. She turned on the music and started to dance. Grenda and Candy started to dance with her first. Then Soos and Wendy, even Dipper made a few moves. Tambry and Robbie also danced, together. Everyone, except Pacifica.

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