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Oh look I finally wrote something I'm sorry that I almost never publish but to make it alright the next one shot will be smut, ( or not if that is too wild for ya'll ) be happy now and give me love


It's Pacifica's birthday. It isn't that she dislikes birthdays, it's just that she already has everything she desires. 
She has two horses, three ponies. Somewhere rabbits and probably a few dogs and cats, she honestly doesn't remember. But they are getting cared for so that is good, she had to promise that to Mabel. 

And for clothing and makeup, she has plenty. Honestly, she doesn't even want a present. 

But Mabel just texted her to come over, hinting that she bought something for her.

So off Pacifica is, taking her bike for once. She actually quite likes going by bike, she gets some fresh air and movement, most of the time she is driven around by a car. 

The shack isn't actually that far away from her own house. Or maybe it seems like that because she is going to Mabel. 


Pacifica really likes- no loves the girl. She can't believe how nasty she acted towards her in the past. 

Okay, maybe she did that to try to ignore her own feelings, she had pretty much fallen for the girl right when she saw her for the first time. But of course a Northwest couldn't fall in love with a simple person and atop of that, girls don't love girls. 

Pacifica slows down when she sees the shack. She doesn't see any other person, which is weird. Most of the times tourist are walking around.
One time, she and Mabel were making out in Mabel's room and a tourist walked in on them, asking where the toilets were. 

Now no one is there. Not even Mabel's family, or so it seems at last. 

But Pacifica does notice the lights.  They are everywhere, light bulbs attached to strings are turned on, giving off different shades of light.

Somewhere in the distance Pacifica hears music so she decides she should just follow that. 

Attached to the rope are pictures, Pacifica sees. She stops to study one picture. She remembers taking that picture, it was short after she and Mabel started to date. 

Pacifica smiles, stroking Mabel's pictured face with her thumb. 

She almost rips the picture in half when she feels someone's arms around her waist. 

'Guess who I am?' 

'Mabel, I almost destroyed this picture and after that you, shut up.' Pacifica replies. 

Mabel grins and lets go of Pacifica. 'I'm sorry, forgive me babe.' 

Pacifica feels her cheeks light up. 'It's okay,' she mumbles. 'I forgive you.' She lays a hand against Mabel's cheek, craning her head back and pressing her lips against Mabel's. 

One thing that really frustrates Pacifica is that Mabel got a growth spurt all of the sudden. Dipper got one to but Pacifica doesn't give a fuck about him. Anyway, Mabel is two inches and a half longer than Pacifica and is proud of it. 

 'I got you a present,' Mabel says after they take a break from kissing. 'I know you didn't want me to buy me one but you know me, I'm stubborn and my heart is too big.'

Pacifica smiles. 'It's alright sweetie, I'm happy with everything you give me.'

'Okay that is great because believe me this thing is ugly as fuck,' Mabel replies with a grin, pulling out a package from behind her back.

Pacifica studies the package. It feels light and soft. She rips of the paper around it and is greeted by a sweater.

Of course it's a sweater. But Mabel was right, it's fucking ugly, Pacifica isn't even sure what is on it. 

'Thanks Mabel I love it.' 

'Don't lie, it's ugly.'

'Yeah it is.'

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