Chapter Eight

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Today I'm going to do it. Tell Niall that I find him extremely attractive. I learned a lot from Louis the other day. Like that he eats an awful lot of food, his favourite being Nando's, at least that's what I got out of his toddler pronunciation. I also found out how he likes guys. So now I have a better chance, I'm gonna get me my ma- "MARCEL HURRY UP! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!"

Agh, party pooper. I pick up my bag and head out the front door.

I tried dressing a bit more casual today, im wearing a Nirvana shirt and black skinny jeans. Not my whole wardrobe is smart clothes ya know, I can still dress normal. But I'm still wearing my glasses, I'm practically blind without those, and I like to see.


Marcel has been acting really strange today. He seems really exited about something, also his clothes, he is wearing somewhat normal attire today. I just know somethings up, he only ever does this to impress someone.

"So Marcel, anyone caught your eye lately? Any reason you are dressed differently?"

"Well yea, there is one person. But I'm not telling you who it is."

"Awh come on Marcel! Please tell me!"

"No Harry, if he says yes you'll find out soon enough."

Agh Marcel can be so difficult sometimes. I will find out who though.

Even if it kills me.


"Lou, bub wake up."


"Come on Lou, you need to wake up."


"For Christs sake Louis get your butt outta bed!"

"Ehh daddy, I still sleep. No wake daddy. Sleep."

"Yea well daddy has been trying to wake you up for at least 30 minutes."

"Whoa! That long time daddy!"

Our conversation is cut short by my phone ringing. I look down at the caller ID and see it's... Liam? Since when did he have my number?

"Listen bub, daddy has to take this. You get dressed and then I'll make you breakfast when I'm done, okay?"

"Kay daddy."

I walk out of the room and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Liam what's up I was just getting Lou ready then heading to school?"

"That's what I was calling about, mate listen if you need a babysitter my girlfriend Danielle said she would love to, she works at a daycare and needs practice around kids."

Could I trust my baby in the hands of a stranger?

"If she babysits him at the school so I can check on him whenever then maybe. Call it a test."

"Sure just let me ask her. Dani? Do you think you can mind him at the school? Awesome, thanks babe. She said she will mind him at the school for you."

"Yea I kinda heard, you didn't take it far enough from your mouth and I heard your replies and kinda guessed she would."

"Oh well, see ya at school mate."

"See ya there too Liam."

Then the line went dead. I walked into the kitchen to find Louis sitting on the benchtop attempting to make cereal.

"Bub what are you doing?"

He jumps slightly and turns around quickly looking wide eyed at me.

"Daddy you scared me!" He squealed giggling.

"I'm sorry baby now let's make you some scrambled eggs. If you haven't noticed, we're out of milk. So you couldn't have had cereal anyway you silly duffer!"

"Scramble eggs! Tanku daddy!"

"Now while I cook them you go watch TV okay? I put scooby doo on for you."

He runs off squealing at his favourite show, while I get started on breakfast. I wonder what Liam's girlfriend is like? Danielle? I'm pretty sure that was her name. I hope she's nice, or you can be sure as shit she will never be minding my prince again. I am extremely protective of him.

I turn on the radio and softly sing along to Alone Together by Fall Out Boy, I love this song.

The eggs look and smell just about scrambled as I cook some toast and put the eggs on the plate, I butter the toast and place it on the plate with the eggs and walk into the lounge room where Lou is giggling to scooby doo.

"Here bub, eat up one of my friends will be minding you at school today so you have to be on your best behaviour. Got it?"

"Yes daddy, good behaviour for daddy's friend."

"That's my boy. Now eat up or we're going to be late."

"Okay daddy."

Those were his final words before he stuffed his face with eggs and toast.

At School

"Dad is your friend nice?"

Oh no, I was hoping this wouldn't be asked. How do I answer this? Well Liam seems so nice she must be too.

"I'm sure she's lovely. Her name is Danielle."

"That's a pretty name daddy!" Lou squealed, obviously excited to meet someone new.

"It is isn't it? Come on Lou we have to head inside."

I used to know a Danielle. I can't remember her last name to save my life. It knd of sounded like a food. We used to be best friends in primary school until her family moved from Ireland to England. Not sure where to though.

"Move it or lose it daddy!"

Well someone has quite a mouth on them. He has been quite sassy lately. No more My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding for him then.

"Niall mate! Over here!" I hear Liam call from the bottom of the steps to the school.

"Hey Liam! Come on Lou this way."

"So Niall this is my girlfriend Danielle."

She stepped out from behind Liam and I recognised her instantly.

"Dani!? Oh my god!"

"Niall!? Oh my gosh I have missed you so much!'

"Whats it been now? 11 years? I haven't seen you since we were 12 and you moved away."

"Yea, I think the hardest thing was leaving you. So how is Kelsey? Did you guys stay together? Louis looks so much like her!"

"We did actually, not anymore. She had Lou then left. I realised I'm more fond of men than women. She thought there was no use being together if I didn't like her gender and she left. I just think she was a homophobe. Like her mum."

"Daddy, what's a homo- homophobe?" A little voice spoke up.

Shit I almost forgot Lou was here.

"Well bub. A homophobe is someone who doesn't like people like daddy. Who like the same gender as them."

"Like Marcel and Harry!"

I almost choke on my own spit.



I have been so nervous for third period all day. What will he say? Will he reject me? Maybe he doesn't wan a relationship with a student? What if he doesn't like guys and Lou didn't know what he was talking about?!

Stop Marcel. You will do thi-


Oh no. It's 3rd period with Mr Horan now!

I pick up my maths books and head off to Mr Horan's room.

As I walk in Mr Horan's eyes snap to me, but as quickly as they do they are off me again and back to his desk. What was that about?

All period I keep my eyes on the clock. Less than a minute and I will ask Mr Horan out. Just 1 date to see how it goes. Hopefully it will lead to more.


"All right class. Pack up and you may go."

I wait until everyone is gone and then I walk up to Mr Horan's desk.

"Marcel? You look quite nice today. What can I help you with?"

"Well Mr Hora-"

"Please call me Niall when we are not in class."

"Okay sorry, Niall, anyway I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out on a date? Maybe? Sometime?"

Please say yes please say yes!

"Well I'm not normally one to date my students."

Oh no. Here comes rejection.

"But since you asked so nicely sure."

He slips a piece of paper in my hand.

"Text me the details. Now go to class!"

"Yes Mr Hor- I mean Niall. Thank you so much!"


oh my god im so sorry! i havent updated in ages! well here is your well deserved update! around 1369 words for this chapter. and just so you all know Narcel is not the perminent ship. there will be Narry. I know who will end up together. i have that planned out. anyway i will write/publish the Narcel date soon. hopefully not this long a wait as last time. again i am so sorry and for all those who wanted Narry there will still be Narry.

Btw went to the boys concert on the 24th of October! It was amazing!

Alone Together by Fall Out Boy on the side :) (I love Fall Out Boy)


The Style Twins ( Narry/Narcel boyxboy teacherxstudent )Where stories live. Discover now