About me the pack slave

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Rosie's p.o.v

Hi My name is Rosie sparks . I used to be loved by the pack until my parents died when I was three. The alpha blamed me for their deaths. I couldn't shift when I was three. I couldn't shift because we don't shift till we are ten. I remember my first shift like it was yesterday. It was my birthday and I just turned six years old. I was laying in bed and it was the middle of the night I just got a beating from burning their food on accident. There is over 700 people in the pack. To be exact their is 755 not including me. I only get to eat every other day one meal only. But back to me shifting it hurt I couldn't scream out because I would wake the pack and they would beat me while shifting. My bones broke and moved into weird positions.     Hi there I'm your wolf my name is scarlet but please call me scar you are very special you are a hybrid of. Wolf vampire angle demon and sorceress. 'Ok how do I turn back to my human form I asked my wolf . Think of yourself as human and no one can know so I will hide our scent so you still seem human. I nodded my wolf head and started thinking of me being in my human form. When I shifted I was still in my clothes which I was great full for.

I'm 5'8" and three quarters. I have long blue hair down to my bum. It's a natural blue I don't ever dye my hair I had blue hair after I shifted but I make my hair the brown when they are around. I have never been to school but I snuck online schooling and already graduated even tho I'm 16. I wear baggy clothing cause they are comfy. And old tennis shoes. I have to clean the pack house do laundry cook set up for parties sweep mop vacuum dust and polish the floor and wooden stair case railing.

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