First lesson

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"Ok, so you've had your first kiss am I correct?" Justin said in a professional voice causing me to giggle. "We're tongues involved?" He asked and I shook my head silently. "Did you touch each other? You know did he feel your body." He mumbled making an awkward face cringing slightly at his wording and I laughed. "Not really." Justin nodded as if making a mental note of everything.

"Ok, kiss me." Justin stated causal. "W-what?" I spluttered out in surprised. I know I'm a feminist but I'm always used to the guy making the first move. "You have to gain more confidence, kiss me." He stated simply, shifting his body around to face me.

I looked into his eyes for a few moments before looking down at his lips, then back to his eyes. Justin looked at me, patiently waiting for me to make a move. I suddenly realised it was Justin, he understood me and he wasn't going to judge me, besides if I was terrible it's not like it would affect our relationship.

Closing my eyes I leaned into Justin and placed my lips against his for a few second before pulling away and looking back into his eyes. His hazel eyes fluttered open "Ok good, now move your lips against mine." He instructed. "I know how to kiss." I said defensively. "Well kiss me then."

Once again I closed my eyes, and with my head slightly tilted to the right I pushed my lips against Justin's once more. Lifting my left arm I held onto his bicep to support myself before I began slowly moving my lips against his, feeling his lips move with them. I felt Justin's hand wrap around the back of my my neck pulling my closer causing me to tense slightly before I relaxed. His lips were really soft and he was probably the most talented kisser I'd ever came across, giving me the sudden urge to take it further.

I pulled away from Justin slightly breathless and looked up into his eyes. Also slightly breathless, Justin nodded "Ok so you can definitely kiss." I blushed.

"Now it's time to introduce you to kissing with tongues." He said wiggling his eyebrows "You can follow my lead this time." I nodded stiffly. Stroking the side of my cheek, he forced me to look at him "Hey are you okay?" Shaking of my nerves I nodded. "It's going to be fine." He assured me and I smiled.

Placing his left hand back onto my neck and his right arm around my waist Justin slowly pulled me closer to him. I looked down at my arms not sure what to do with them. "Put them around my neck." Justin said as if reading my mind.

I did as I was told and suddenly our faces were centre metres away from each other, I had to hold in a gasp. I watched Justin's eyes flicker from mine to my lips so I shut my eyes. Justin lips crashed against mine taking me by surprised, before I began moving my lips in sync with his. I felt Justin's tongue slide against my lip, causing my nerves to come back, but I parted my lips slightly allowing his tongue to brush against mine. Suddenly I understood the hype about making out as mine and Justin's lips moved against each other, I had the urge to moan but I held it in. I felt Justin beginning to move before he moved his hands down to my arse and pulled me so I was straddling him who now had his back against the couch. I gasped at the sudden contact pulling away from his lips slightly but he whispered "Shh" against my lips before pressing his lips against mine causing my stomach to tighten. We made out on the couch and I found my fingers weaved into his hair, while his large hands rubbed my sides gently, inching me closer to him each second. Suddenly I let out a quiet moan, and I was about to die of embarrassment when Justin let out a groan and wrapped his arms around my back pulling my closer.

A strange feeling was setting in my stomach and my body felt like it was on fire. Before I had time to register what I was doing I pulled back and looked at Justin with wide eyes "I-" I paused not knowing what to say. "That's enough for today." Justin chuckled seeing my embarrassment. "You're really good at making out." He winked at me causing my face to turn a deeper shade of red. Laughing at my shyness Justin picked me up and placed me onto the couch before making his way to the kitchen.

"Waffles?" He asked.

Squeezing I jumped on the couch "Yes!" I shouted a bit too loud and he laughed before beginning to make our lunch.

We were still us.


I held in the urge to groan as I walked into work, I was the type of person who considered 9am as too early. Lots of people would love a 9am start I know, but what can I say? I'm a lazy ass.

Sipping my coffee I made my way to my office, smiling at a few co-workers that I had no interest in befriending. Besides Justin I had two other people I would consider friends, Haley and Jess who worked in the office, Haley also was my roommate in college, everyone else were just acquaintances. Sometimes I could be an extreme introvert so I could only handle a few friends, plus I barely went out, most of the time I just hung out with Justin at home. I saw Jess a lot because we shared an office and Haley often came in and worked here so she could have someone to talk to.

Unsurprisingly when I opened my office door, there they both were. "Hey," I mumbled shutting the door behind me, they both returned the greeting. Jess was typing away on her computer while Haley was on her laptop which she often bought so that she could work in here. I made my way to my computer to begin my work for the week. This week I was doing a piece on toxic relationships and how to handle them. I'd never been in a serious enough relationship to know first hand but I had spent the previous week doing lots of research with people who had experienced them and I may or may not have pounded Justin with questions about his not so great ex Tiffany. I shuddered at the though of her.

We all worked simultaneously, exchanging words every now and then and asking advice on wording until it got to 12 and Haley hopped up from her seat. "Lunch?" She questioned.

"Yeah so it's starting to get pretty serious." Haley gushed about her soon to be boyfriend Mark as we sat in Starbucks finishing of our toasted sandwiches and coffee. "I'm so happy for you." I said with enthusiasm.

"So how about you, any boys?" Haley mocked wiggling her eyebrows at me. Since we knew each other throughout college she knew my situation. I'd only known Jess since I got this job about 6 months ago, but she's probably guessed. Rolling my eyes I questioned whether I should tell her about mine and Justin's deal but decided against it when I remembered the 'contract' he made me sign.

Besides everyone always assumed that just because me and Justin where the opposite sex and we were friends, that we were going to end up together. If anyone found out about this they'd probably start planning our wedding or something.

"So what are you wearing tomorrow night?" Jess asked changing the subject. My eyebrows furrowed together, then suddenly realisation struck me, tomorrow we were having a charity event at work. Haley and Jess pulled out their phone showing off their dresses which were both beautiful. Haley's was a blue sequences dress with cut off shoulders and a slit up one side. Jess's was a bright light blue colour with a halter neck and a deep v which also had a slit up one leg.

"Please tell me you remembered to get a dress!" Haley snapped knowing I could be completely forgetful. But I actually had got I dress last week. "I have don't worry." I told her showing her a picture of my red silky dress. It had thin straps and a considerably deep v l, the waist was fitted and then it flowed out. It was simple but I loved it. Working for cosmopolitan meant we had to always look fashionably especially at events.

Snatching my phone back off Haley and Jess who were both nodding in approval at my dress, I opened up iMessage and began messaging Justin.

To Sizzler:
I have that charity event thing tomorrow night

He chose the nickname don't ask.

From Sizzler:
I know you asked me to be your date remember

I could almost here him mocking me through the phone.

To Sizzler:
What about the lessons

I cringed slightly, but what else would I say. What about us making out? No thanks.

From Sizzler:
Don't worry ;)

I wanted to call him up and ask him what the hell he was planning, but I was with Jess and Haley so I just ignored and enjoyed the rest of my lunch hour.

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