Naked makeouts

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It felt as though the whole of Thursday slipped away from me in a blur. During the long day of work I found myself writing up my article then stopping every now and then and thinking about that kiss.

Something about it was much mor exiting than any of my other kisses, granted there wasn't a lot to compare to. It came to my realisation that I possible enjoyed the thrill of it, of being in public, but I would never admit that to Justin. A thought crept into my mind that maybe it was because it was Justin, but I dismissed that thought as quickly as it came.

In some blurred sequence of events I found myself on my way home from work on Friday afternoon, embarrassingly with a hint of excitement for my next lesson.

The yellow taxi cab came to a halt outside of my apartment building, and then the nerves came. I stepped out carefully in my 2 inch stilettos and threw $20 into the cab window, before making my way inside the building, greeting the door man. I found myself trying to walk as if I was the most confident woman on the planet, something that I tried to practise every now and then, swaying my hips slightly as I moved through the lobby and holding my chin high. The only time I ever majorly lacked confidence was, no shock to anyone, whenever something became sexual.

I stepped into the elevator, popping a piece of gum in my mouth, trying to chew it discretely. As I rode up to our apartment I felt my stomach knotting with nerves and excitement. Before each lesson I questioned if this was all a good idea, if I should just call it quits and stop being a wuss and lose my virginity to another guy.

The doors dinged open revealing our apartment and crushing my thoughts as it did. I strolled into the main room and placed my bag onto the sofa wondering where Justin was. Shrugging when I couldn't hear him I made my way to my room, putting all my stuff inside and flipping off my shoes. I sighed and wiggled my toes.

Since Justin wasn't home at the moment I decided to take a shower. I found my self washing my hair and shaving till I was smooth, a part of me was laughing at myself. Was I trying to impress Justin? Shaking off the thoughts I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my fluffy towel around my body, and made my way into my room.

I let out a squeal of surprise and clutched my towel tighter to my body when I saw Justin lazily spread across my bed. He jumped up so he was sitting when I entered and smiled at me, but I didn't miss his eyes flicker down to my body.

"Did you just check me out?" I gasped making my way over to my dressing table to take off any remainders of my makeup.

"Maybe." I heard Justin reply, I looked at him through the mirror, seeing him smirking and I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked in fake annoyance, though I was partly annoyed. Like, damn let me get dressed.

Justin didn't reply, but I'm pretty sure I was more focuses on brushing the knots out of my curly hair.

Just as I set my brush down, I was suddenly pulled up from the chair and span around to see a smirking Justin, which was most likely because of the girlish squeal I had let out.

"Lesson number 3." Justin said in a quiet voice, the closeness of his face came to my realisation when I felt his breath fan across my face. Millions of thoughts ran through my mind, I was naked in a towel. "B-but you said that's not till next week." I stammered out my words.

"It is, don't worry you're going to love this." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and shoved him and just stood still waiting for him to do something.

Justin's face inched closer to mine, almost in slow motion. I felt his lips lightly brush against mine and I flickered my eyes closed as he did it again. He gently pressed his lips against me repeatedly, never putting much pressure on causing me to become frustrated.

I let out a groan of annoyance, feel Justin smirk against my lips because of the proximity of our faces. His arms wrapped around my waist and slowly slid up and down, his lips were resting against mine. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked up at him through my lashes, he's pupils large and his eyes dark as he looked down at me.

A fire ignited in my stomach when just finally pulled me against his lips, and began finally kissing me. His tongue brushed against mine and he lightly bit my lip, causing us both to smile against the kiss, before Justin almost aggressively smashed his lips against mine, causing my to stumble back slightly.

It became much more frantic and heated, I let out a quiet moan. One of Justin's hands slid down to my thigh and wrapped around the back of it, brining it up to wrap around my waist. I ran my hands through his hair, and along his neck and jaw.

Justin pulled away from my lips slightly, but pulled my body closer "Jump." He mumbled against my lips before kissing me again. His other hand wrapped around my other thigh,
I jumped slightly, most of the work was done by Justin, and wrapped my legs around his face.

The sudden extreme closeness caused a strange feeling to erupt in my stomach, as I desperately kissed him more. I felt the movement of his hips before suddenly I was dropped onto the bed with a bounce as Justin gently lent on top of me.

I suddenly let out a gasp as I felt Justin fumbling with the towel and I pulled away blushing. "Relax babe, nothing's going to happen, you just need to get comfortable with being naked." Justin whispered and I blushed again.

His hazel eyes bored into mine, and I gulped before pressing my lips back against mine. Gently, Justin pulled the towel away from my body, I didn't dare stop kissing him. I paused for a fraction of a second as I felt his hand grasp my breast but carried on kissing him until he squeezed my nipple and I let out a gasp. Why did that feel good?

I suddenly regret my reaction as I opened my eyes, seeing Justin raking his eyes over my body. I squirmed slightly in my position, making sure my legs were closed.

Justin's eyes flicked up to mine, looking unusually dark, a strange emotion running through them, but I liked it. His hands ran from the side of my thighs up to my boobs and grasped the softly, causing my breath to deepen.

I watched as he squeezed my eyes shut "I know we can't go any further than this, which is why we need to stop right now." He emphasised the last words and I raised my brows before I realised what he meant.

He was hard against my thigh. I blushed.

Justin slowly peeled his body away from mine and I quickly wrapped the towel back around my body. He stood at the door way breathing heavily much like me. "I need to go cool down, then can we go to McDonalds for dinner I've had a craving all day." He said running his hands through his hair.

I laughed lightly and resisted the urge to roll my eyes, he always had a craving for McDonalds.

"Yeah I just need to get ready."

"You better not take ages and do all your hair and makeup and she, because I'll drag you out the door by your ankles, I'm starving." Justin said before smiling at me.

"If anyone will be taking ages it'll be you with your hair."

"Perfection takes time baby." He said with a smirk before leaving.

I smiled happily. Something magical had blessed us, wasn't this the time where it was supposed to get awkward.

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