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I dare both of you to swap parts meaning chara is a pacifist and frisk is the killer

Frisk: *le gasp* I'm not hurting my babies!!!

Chara: does that mean I can use the reset button?

Frisk: no chara * sprays water at chara*


*hours later*

Frisk: sorry we haven't updated in a while that's because we tried that and now we are in the void

Gaster: *waves*

Chara: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *hides behind frisk*

Frisk: he's a nice scientist don't be scared of him I find you more scary

Chara: he has done things that terrifies me

Frisk: okie dokie were leaving now bye

Gaster: *infront of frisk*

Frisk: *screams and starts running*

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