Wattpad's new Update

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Apparently Wattpad said that they're taking down all sexual content and violence related media.

Most of Wattpad is sexual content...

I'm sorry but that's why this app is as popular as it is, it's like the second Fanfiction.

There's gonna be porn everywhere and you can't stop it. Plus if you take all sexual content that's just ruining the romance part of Wattpad. The most popular part too.


This crap is unnecessary because there is an age limit for this app to be 13.

If you're 13 like you said you are, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO READ AND SKIP THIS STUFF.

Honestly the violence thing is dumb too, that's like taking away the horror books on here.

There is no real reason behind this all, other than the "under aged" audience.

The age limit is here for a reason Wattpad...

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