chapter one the being

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"Haru! Its time to get going" Naru said to his twin brother . "I'm coming, just let me grab our lunches " Haru told Naru as he came out the door of the kitchen holding two large lunch boxes. "Is dad already gone to work?"asked Haru. "Yes he did, but he said that he would be late to home from work today." Naru told him.
(Their dad was a businessman who owns a shipping and import company.) Soon as they walked out the front door and locked up the house. As they began to walk down the street when someone called out to them "Naru,Haru! Come over here "yelled Hayden ( he is their older half-brother who was three years older than themselves at nineteen to their sixteen.)
"You've came home?" The Twins examined (yes and I'm home for good this time.) Said Hayden to the Twins . Hayden was glad to be home truth is he had hated having to leave his dad and baby brothers to go stay with his mother(Katherine ) and her new husband David Matthews. His mother only made him stay with her to spite his father (James ) now that he was nineteen he no longer had to do what she wants any longer. So he could help his dad look after his brothers. "So where are you two off this morning? " he asked them. "We're going to school "said Haru want to walk us there Hayden? "Asked Naru "sure" said Hayden. So they started walking to the main road that leads to Lake view high school. They were almost there when they heard people screaming coming from the main road leading to the main shopping district. Haden told his brothers to stay behind him. As they began to run to see what was going on when they got there just as a unknown man grab on to a young woman who who lived down the street from them who's name was Kate Hudson and began to eating her a live . Hayden was just about to grab on to Haru's arm when Naru said to look over by pet supplies plus where more people where laying on the ground some dead half eaten or some were being eaten by others.

Author notes :this is the first time I've ever posted a story so I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

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