chapter two what's going on

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Hayden was worried when the dead were starting to come back to life and were attacking the people around them. That's when he told the boys two run back to the house. As they began to run back down the road towards their street some of the crazy people saw and heard them and started to chase after them. Hayden yells two his brothers to run faster after a half-hour they finally managed to get there Haru ran up the steps to the door of the house got his keys out and unlocked the door soon
as the door was unlocked and open Hayden push them inside he slammed the door shut. Naru said "I'm going to shut all the window blinds and make sure all the windows are closed. " and went all though the house checking and closing all the windows and blinds. Hayden goes to the living room and turns on the TV to see if anyone knows what was going on when the channel 13 new came on new porter mark Newman. Was showing live footage of downtown Lakeview. The site was horrific blood,and dead bodies was all over the streets. Glass windows were aether broken or smeared with blood. People are running away from the bloody half-eatten people. "As you can see mark, people who have been bitten are turning on their own family or friends and attacking them. It's starting look like zombies " said James black ,hearing a loud booming sound looking to his left he saw a car going up in flames. James what do you mean by zombie?" Asked Mark "as in your only hope of killing them is to aim for the head ,because shooting them in the heart or any where else will only slow the down for a few seconds some times not at all."

Author notes : this is chapter two hope you enjoy it

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