Chapter 2

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Joey's POV:

"Hurry up, we have to be at the field in 10 minutes!" Max yells at me. I grab my keys and we head out the door, but I stop when I hear laughing from behind me. "What?" I ask. Max keeps laughing and points at my legs. Great I don't have any pants on! I run back in and pull on some jeans then head back out to make our way to the soccer field.

"No Nick block the ball! What are you a little girl? Don't run from it!" I hear Daniel holler at his son. Nick nods his head yes and the team continues to line up and kick the balls into the net, with Nick blocking most of them.

"Hey sorry about that, so ya ready Max?" Daniel asks looking toward Max. "Yes, I'm so ready to kick butt!" Nick says in his 'game on' voice. "Why don't you grab a yellow jersey and be the opposing team today?" Daniel chuckles and pats his back motioning him to go.

"So do you have the papers?" Joey asks politely. "Umm yeah they're in my car let me go get them real quick. Do you mind watching the kids while I fetch them?" He asks with hope in his eyes. "Uh yeah sure!" I say throwing my hands up. He responds with a thank you and runs off to his car.

I walk over to the kids adorned in yellow and orange practice jerseys. "Ok how about we start with some stretches?" I say more of an order than a question. "Ok how about jumping jacks. Umm number 15 count for us, to 20." I say pointing towards a little boy in an orange jersey. "1,2,3,4,5...." He keeps counting while we are all jumping ,pushing our arms down then back up with a clap above our heads.

Daniel's POV:

"Ah there they are!" I say to myself when I find the paperwork I was looking for. I shut the door and lock the car back, only to hear it beep assuring me. I look up from my hands and see all the kids doing jumping jacks, what a classic? Oh then there's something that really catches my eye. There he is jumping up and down, damn he has a nice ass! "No Daniel stop it, he probably has a husband or boyfriend, he'd never go for you!" I mentally scold myself.

I run back to the field where the team is joined. "18, 19, 20" Brandon yells finishing off their push-ups. "Thanks Joey, here's your papers." I say handing them to him. Our hands brush past each other when he reaches for the papers, I blush. "Thanks, I'll get them to you by the end of practice." He says walking away with a bounce in his walk. I stare the whole time. Joey drops the papers on purpose and bends over to pick them up, purposely sticking his ass out, he smiles and then keeps walking. I gulp and turn to the kids who are all chatting on the benches.


"Hey Dad, Max can still come over right?" Nick asks me. I give him a quick nod. "Make sure to ask his dad first ok?" I say and both of the boys give me a cheeky smile then run off towards Joey. Both of the boys run back with smiles plastered on their faces. "He said it was fine with him!" Max says and gives Nick a high-five.

"Here you go!" Joey says giving me his papers for Max. "Thanks, so do you want me to pick Max up for their sleepover tonight?" I ask hoping he'll say no because I've got a lot to clean up and I would also like to invite him in to talk. "No I can drop him off on my way to a meeting." He says and I mentally smile getting the answer I wanted. "Ok then I guess you can drop him off at about four?" I ask. "Yeah that should be good. Oh yeah I need your address." He says. I pick up a piece of paper from my clipboard and write down my address handing it to him. "Thanks, I guess I'll see you later." He says with a smile, I nod and turn away walking towards the benches.

"Come on Nick we gotta go son!" I yell and start packing up the equipment that we used today. "I thought Max was sleeping over though." He says with disappointment laced in his voice. "He is, but we have stuff to do before he can come over." I say with a small smile. He nods his head and says goodbye to Max.

"Can we stay up late and watch movies tonight with lots and lots of icecream?" Nick asks with excitement. "I don't know about that much icecream, but we'll see." I say, I mean of course they're going to stay up til the crack of dawn though. "How about if we go home and you clean your whole room, then I'll let you have as much icecream as y'all want." I say driving down the road towards my house. "Ugh...I guess!" He responds. I smile knowing I've got him hooked.


Joey's POV:

"Are you ready? Do you have everything you need?" I ask Max as he sighs and nods his head yes. "Ok then let's go kiddo!" I say as I smile and head to the car. "Do you like Coach Preda?" My son asks. "Of course I do, why wouldn't I, he's your coach." I say, but then I notice a smirk on his lips. "You meant something else didn't you?" I ask chuckling. He joins in and nods. "Then no,I like him as a friend, that was a lie." I say. "Mhmm...sure!" Is all I hear before we pull up to a big white house with blue shudders and a wooden door.

Knock, knock, knock! I bang on the door. Seconds later a little blonde boy, Nick, comes to the door. "Hey Max, Hi Mr. Graceffa!" He says in a mannered voice. "Hey Nick, can I talk to your dad?" I ask, he turns and runs to the other side of the house. He returns with his father by his side. "Why don't you and Max go play?" He says patting his head.

"Come on in!" He says and opens the door wider. I step into the house and see family photos adorned across the walls. I come to one picture and see a little boy, Nick, and a man with a navy blue button up, obviously Daniel.

"So where's your wife?"

1000+ words bitches. This was a little bit of a cliff hanger. It's Saturday!!! I might get a schedule for updating, but Idk yet. Anyways thanks for Reading!! Don't forget to vote and comment! Bye lovelies! Be Smiley, Not Gloomy!😊💕

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