Chapter 3

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Btw Joey and Daniel are their regular ages. The kids are both 7. BTW 1000+ WORDS BITCHEZ!!!!

Daniel's POV:

"So where's your wife?" Joey pops the question. "Oh um....I don't have one." I say scratching the back of my neck. "Oh I'm sorry t-" I give out a chuckle. "I adopted Nick, when he was just a baby." I explain, Joey then sighing and laughing. "I did the same with Max. Have you told Nick he's adopted?" He asks. "No actually." I say with a small smile. "I'm the same way with Max, he doesn't know he's adopted either." He says softly, making sure the kids won't hear.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I ask as we make our way to the living room. "Uh yeah water is fine." He says and I walk to the kitchen grabbing a glass to fill with water.

Joey's POV:

He has a really nice house, I wonder what he does other than being a soccer coach. My thoughts are interrupted when Daniel comes back in the room handing me my drink. I thank him as I set it on the table in front of me. "So what did you want to talk about?" Daniel asks kindly. "Well I was wondering if I could help with the car pool for the team?" I ask not even knowing if there is a car pool. "Umm yeah sure, that'd be great actually!" He says and I sigh in relief.

"You can start Monday, picking up Troye, Scott, Connor, and Mitch. Sound good?" He asks. I nod in agreement. I look down at my watch and notice I only have 20 minutes to get to my meeting. "Oh crap, I forgot about the meeting! I have to go, but I'll call later to say goodnight to Max. Thanks!" I say as I run out the door. The only thing I see before I pull away is the smile on Daniel's face. It looks as if he had never seen a single tragedy in the world.

Daniel's POV:

"So who wants to go get some food?!" I say rushing into Nick's room. Both of the boys jump up and cheer. "Let's go then, what are we waiting for?" I say with a cheeky smile as I walk down the stairs dancing.

We pile into the car and are onto what the night brings our way. "So we eat at a restaurant with a playground or no playground?" I ask already knowing the answer of course. "PLAYGROUND!" They both yell in unision. I let out a laugh and continue driving towards McDonald's.


"Hey it's Joey, I was wondering if I could say goodnight to Max?" He asks through the phone tiredly. "Max!" I yell. "You're dad's on the phone!" As if on cue the boys come running around the corner. I hand the phone to him and he holds it up to his ear, the phone looking much bigger as he held it with his tiny hands. "Yeah.....uh huh...yes, I'm sure....ok can I go now....yes, bye love you too!" Max says before handing me the phone and running back off with Nick to the backyard.

"Hey!" I say with a grin. "Hi, how are you and the kids doing?" He asks, still tired. "We're good, we just got back from the store getting a whole bunch of snacks. How are you?" I ask, I hear him let out a small chuckle. "Ugh...I'm stressed, the meeting went well, but I still have to unpack a whole bunch more." He responds laughing. "Well that's good, I mean the meeting not the, wel-" I get out before being cut off by Joey's voice. "Would you to go to dinner with me tomorrow night maybe. I have a babysitter who can watch the kids and everyth-" I cut him off chuckling. "I'd love to!" I say with the biggest grin you'd ever see.

"Ok well you can meet me at my house around 6 o'clock tomorrow then?" He asks, a blush coming over my face as I respond, " That's perfect....well I gotta go wrestle these children to bed so goodbye I will see you tomorrow!" I say and hang up after he says goodbye.

"Get your butts into some pajamas and meet me downstairs and we can have icecream and a whole bunch of movies!" I say cheerily and within minutes they're down the stairs with dragon and Pokémon pajamas on.

"NEMO, NEMO WHERE ARE YOU?" Marlin yells looking for his son. I look over at the passed out boys and decide to take a picture and send it to Joey. "Looks like you tired them out Preda!" Joey texts back within seconds. I laugh and head up to my bedroom, it only being 10 o'clock I decide to take a shower.

I walk into the bathroom and turn the hot water on and strip from my clothes. I hop into the shower and start lathering my hair with shampoo. I can't wait til tomorrow! What should I wear, oh goodness, what if he doesn't mean it as a date and just as friends. Eh...I doubt it. By the time I'm done with my thoughts I finish my shower and dry off. I put on some boxers and a shirt, hopping into bed.

I wake up to a tap on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I ask a crying Max and Nick. "We wanted to be big boys and watch a scary movie when you left, we really didn't go to sleep we pretended, and now the boogie man is coming for us!" Nick explains. I sigh and hold out my arms for them to crawl under. Both boys snuggle close to me. "Ok go to sleep, I'll fight off the boogie man if he comes in here." I say with a smile remembering the "boogie man" from my childhood. I rub the sides of their arms and wait for their breathing to even out. "Thanks Dad, ylire my hero!" Nick says before drifting asleep.

Ok there's the chapter for today I hope you liked it. I wouldn't have even written a chapter if it weren't for @janiel240 , so go thank her. Anyways bye lovelies. Be Smiley, Don't Be Gloomy!😊💕

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