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Mỷrἇ was tired. The village had decided to move. Every few years the people of the forest moved to a different location. They did it in part to let the land heal and to visit old places. Another reason was to reestablish old alliances and to forge new ones.

Mỷrἇ was even tired than usual because she was pregnant. She was currently 6 moons pregnant with another 3 to go. Ƒáeláƞ was ecstatic. It was considered a good omen that Mỷrἇ had gotten pregnant so soon after they were married. He was strutting around camp like a flying cat.

Jåcóbӱ was being annoying. Mỷrἇ couldn't blame him. He was so intent on keeping her safe that he was almost smothering her, but Mỷrἇ didn't complain. She liked having him around and with Maŗŗők sending her death glares, it felt god having someone else besides her husband keeping an eye on her.

"Are you alright suga?

Mỷrἇ looked up and smiled at Ƒáeláƞ's Grandmother. She was one of the sweetest people Mỷrἇ had ever met. Ģlädŷs was a wise woman of the tribe. Mỷrἇ enjoyed being around Ģlädŷs and was glad that she was a baby deliverer.

"I'm fine Grandmother. Just tired, but them I'm always tired. Is it normal?"

Ģlädŷs laughed. "Of course it is. Some get more tired than others, but it's completely normal."

"Good. How much farther are we going to travel today?"

Ģlädŷs shaded her eyes against the bright noon day sun as it shone down on them. They had just reached a clearing that was the size of a football field. Ƒáeláƞ was at the front of the tribe talking to his father while Jåcóbӱ was in the back keeping an eye on Maŗŗők.

"We will be stopping in a little bit to rest. Can you make it till then?"

Mỷrἇ nodded as she rubbed the small of her back with her hand. "I just need to rest that's all."

"You stay her suga. I'll go and get that grandson of mine."

Mỷrἇ reached out and took a hold of Grandmother's hand. She squeezed it and gave her a tired, but grateful smile. "Thank you."

Ģlädŷs squeezed her hand before she made her way to the front of the tribe. Mỷrἇ watched her go with a sigh. She hurt from walking so much and it was hot with no breeze today. All Mỷrἇ needed to do was rest and then she'd be fine. Her magical sense told her that much. It also told her that the child she was carrying was going to be special. Mỷrἇ couldn't wait to meet the little life form growing inside her. She couldn't wait to be a mother.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?"

Mỷrἇ gave Ƒáeláƞ a tired smile. She touched his cheek tenderly. "I didn't want to interrupt you."

Ƒáeláƞ shook his head as he bent and picked Mỷrἇ up. "We were talking of nothing important that couldn't wait. Rest. I will carry you till we stop."

Mỷrἇ sighed as she laid her head on Ƒáeláƞ's shoulder. "Are you sure you're strong enough?"

Ƒáeláƞ gave her a look which made her giggle. "That is an affront to my manhood."

"I promise to make it up to you later tonight."

Ƒáeláƞ gave her a heated look and kissed her forehead. "I look forward to it."

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