They Are Now Spirits

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"Are you ready for this?"

Mỷrἇ smiled over her bare shoulder at him. "Of course I am. We both knew this day would come."

Ƒáeláƞ ran an appreciative eye over Mỷrἇ's nude body. She was absolutely beautiful. He was lucky to have her. Silence stretched comfortably between then as they both got dressed. Their thoughts were turned towards those they were leaving behind.

"Are we making the right decision?"

Ƒáeláƞ moved so that he could take Mỷrἇ's hands in his. "Yes. This is the only chance we have of saving this world. We both know that I won't last much longer. I'd rather go out this way than waste away. I do not want my children to see me suffer and die slowly."

Mỷrἇ smiled up at him before she stretched up to kiss him. "I was just making sure."

Ƒáeláƞ pulled Mỷrἇ into his arms and kissed the top of her head. He let go of her and looked about the cave. "Shall we get started?"

A sigh escaped Myra. "Yes. I am ready to rest."

Ƒáeláƞ and Myra moved farther into the cave searching for the center of the cave. They finally found it. Mỷrἇ walked around the cavern running her hand against the cave wall as Ƒáeláƞ set up the ritual space. Mỷrἇ joined him once everything was ready.

They shared a kiss before they knelt on the ground with their knees touching. Mỷrἇ used her magic to light the candles that were spread around them. Ƒáeláƞ picked up the knife that had been ritually blessed in their hearth. Mỷrἇ smiled at him as she sprinkled some herbs on the candle closest to them. The scent of lavender mixed with rosemary wafted around them.

"Are you ready?"

Mỷrἇ's eyes shone with love as she nodded. "I am ready when you are."

Ƒáeláƞ nodded as he used the knife to spill his life's blood on their touching knees. Mỷrἇ worked quickly as she dipped her finger in the blood and wrote magical runes on the cave floor. Once she was done, Ƒáeláƞ passed the knife to her. As her life's blood mixed with his Ƒáeláƞ wrote his runes on the cave floor opposite of where Mỷrἇ had wrote hers.

As soon as Ƒáeláƞ finished writing the runes, the runes began to shine brightly. Mỷrἇ tossed the knife aside as she clasped hands with Ƒáeláƞ. As the cave was filled with light Ƒáeláƞ leaned forward and kissed Mỷrἇ. He leaned his forehead against hers and let their breaths mingle together. They shared a last breath together as light exploded from the cave and raced across the land.

Laughter floated from the cave as Mỷrἇ and Ƒáeláƞbecame glowing spirits. They stayed long enough to share a joy filled kiss before they stepped through an opening in the cave and entered the spirit realm. The cave where they sacrificed themselves became a sacred place and they were remembered and honored many years to come.

The Ancients A Tale of SurvivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang