My brother...

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So my brother is always trying to get me to date one of his friends or someone.

One time he posted on Facebook "I need help! my sister needs a boyfriend!" And he had told me that the first guy to comment on it he was going to say "oh thank you for volunteering!"

But I think one reason for posting it was that before that, we had been talking about him asking out a friend of his and he was telling me how much he liked her. But somehow, in that conversation I had said that I had never bin asked out. so I know he was just trying to make me feel better.

His reason for doing that, that he told me of, was so he would have someone to hangout with (He's 2 years older then me).

No guys had said anything, but my cousin, brother and I had a hilarious conversation on the subject!

But just the other day he brought up it again, only this time there was no Facebook post, just him telling me that I should date one of the guys he's moving in with, who are also my friends, but better yet I should date his best friend. I asked him why since his friend had posted that he was not looking for a relationship, and he says because he wants his friend to be his brother.

But I had to remind him that I'm moving away to California so therfore I can not get in a relationship right now. My last and only relationship I've been in was a long distance and it ended badly, so I really don't want to get in another.

I know God has the right man for me, but I just have to wait for God's timing. It may be someone that I already know or I may not know him, it could very well be someone in California, who knows.

I don't even want to get in a relationship with anyone when I'm in California since I will be there for dance training and I need to focus on that because God has put me there for that. But if God is leading me in that direction, then we'll see where I end up.

Has stuff like this happened to any of you? Feel free to share if you like. It can be very difficult for friends or family to be telling you to date someone. But I hope you can keep up saying that you'll wait for God's timing. It's always worth it!

Have a wonderful day!


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