How should I love? Part 1

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So to start off with this chapter I want to ask you guys what you think love is.

I just want you to think about this for a minute. Really, take a minute or two and think, what is love? What do I think it is? Is it a feeling or something?

So please think of what you say it is.

There is really no wrong answer to this qustion. It just depends on witch love your talking about.

So think...








Ok, well now that you had a minute to think, let me tell you in the next couple chapters about the different types of love, because what ever you were thinking of I'm sure is one of the different ones. so lets begin.

There is diffent types of love, and here is one:


This is an unconditional love that sees beyond the outer surface and accepts the person for who he/she is, regardless of their flaws, shortcomings or faults. You chose to agape love someone, its not a feeling, its a choice.

This is the love God has shown us in our everyday lifes, and not just that, but even before we were born! He sent his only son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins and rise from the dead 3 days later! He did not have to but he did non the less. It was a choice to do so and that is what Agape love is. No matter how much we have spit in his face, told him we hate him, or even just left him, he still loves us no matter what and welcomes us in his arms. He has chosen to love you and me like we never left him. There is no better example of Agape love then that!

So what I'm talking about in this has to do with where I'm at right now and really my whole life, but I am just going to talk about whats going on in my life right now.

So, as some of you have seen before in dance of any sort, or just in life, there are people who are not christians, believe other things then you, people who are gay, come from bad backgrounds, or are just plain annoying.

Now I realize that some people are going to get mad at me for listing something that they might be or that thay believe in. I just want you to know I don't hate these people, trust me, I don't. Just listen to me please.

So how I grew up was very much in the little bubble of my home, my church and 4H group. I never was in public school around people who believed different things and didn't live the way I did. And when I would meet someome who was different then me I would be clueless as to why they were like that. I really had never seen what the world was like, and a few years ago I had talked to my mom about how I was raised and if she could, would she have done anything different. She said that when I was little because of how I was raised I did not know not to trust anyone I would meet. I would go to the store and ask my mom if I could go to someones house that I literally said two words to. I was an extrovert  and I was so in love with Peter Pan and always talked about him and would ask my mom that if he came to my window, could I go with him? And she was sared that if she said yes and if someone actually would come to my window, that I would go with someone who would be kidnapping me.

But then she said that at the same time she would not do anything different because how I was so trusting that when I got older and I learned about what the world was like and what people were like, I had kept the way of when I was little and how I would love people no matter what they were like, no matter what they believed, and that because of that I would be able to love people like how Jesus calls us to love others. But let me just say that it is not easy all the time. At all. There is always someone who will be mean, someone who's annoying, or believes something different. People will tell you your wrong, they'll hurt you, offend you, humiliate you, but you just have to love them with Agape love. not that you go up to them and tell them you love them, or that you have to have feelings for them, but that you forgive then, no matter what they do.

Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...

And let me tell you guys, some of my best friends don't believe what I believe, some of them are gay, and I have other friends who ask me why I'm friends with people who are gay when I don't believe that is right. Well just because you don't agree with your friends or not like something they do, does not mean you can't be friends. You can love someone and not agree with their choices. I love my brother eventhough he does things I don't like that I feel could be very harmfull to him, but I will not hesitate to love him. My first friend here in Pennsylvania at the dance school is a guy who is gay. And you know what? I still love him for who he is, not in a romantic way, in the way God has called us to love one another. With agape love, unconditional love. And if they ask me what I think of what they'er doing, I will tell them I don't think its right, but their still my friend no matter what they do.

Its not always easy to love my brother, or to love my friend here, but agape love is a choice, not a feeling. So I will continue to love them and anyone else God puts im my life.

And this is only one of the love that there is. And yes I know some of you will not agree with me on this in one way or another. But this is what I believe, and I will stand to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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