Chapter 1

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My name is Aria Cole, I've changed a lot physical and emotionally, I'm stronger I don't like to talk about my past as soon as I was reborn as a vampire I left and never looked back at first I have to admit I was scared i thought vampires only exist in movies I was so wrong, I've learned that there're a lot of supernatural creatures and you would think at least other supernatural creatures would know about vampires but surprisingly not a lot do, if they do they either don't tell anyone about us or someone kills them before they can.

there aren't a lot of nice vampires it's mostly because we turn off our humanity and we don't care what we do or who we hurt but there are a few of us who aren't so bad I haven't turned my humanity off completely, yes there are sometimes I lose my temper and do something bad but I do still feel remorse.

When I turned I had someone to help me I do consider him a friend, he help me transition and help me control myself so I didn't go on a rampage and kill everyone. he help me control the thirst so it didn't control me.

he's an old vampire like really old I think he's somewhere in the 200s but he looks 23, I guess he considers me a friend or why would he help me? he even had a witch make a ring so I could go in the sun not a lot of vampires knows that a witch can do that, he knows a lot of people and somehow they owe him lots of favors for what I don't want to know.

After I was in control of myself I left but I always have to call him and let him know that I'm okay. I started traveling to a lot of different places, places I dreamed about my whole life I was finally living the life I wanted and being the person I always kind of wanted to be fearless.

Vampires vs Werewolves Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora