Chapter 32

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"I better go it's getting late" Ella says standing up

"I'll walk you to the door" Ezra says getting up I watch them as they walk to the front door Ella hugs him and Ezra actually hugs her back and then she lets go and walks out

"I'm going to go to bed" Alaric says leaving the kitchen

"Night" I say as he walks up the stairs going into his room

I walk to the living room sitting on the couch ezra comes and sits next to me

"So you and Ella are getting friendly" I say smirking

"I don't know what your talking about" he says looking away

"Really? The intense staring contest, the hand grabbing, that hug"

"I was comforting her"

"Hmmm sure" i don't by that "are you guys..." I gesture

"No we are not" he glares

"Do you want to?" I know this isn't any of my business but he's my best friend

"She would never be with me since I'm a vampire" I roll my eyes

"Well then it's her lost because your the greatest guy I know and any girl would be lucky to have you" I grab his hand and squeeze

"Thanks" he sighs then looks at me "so you and Tyler had a date tonight" he smirks

"Yes" I know I'm blushing

"Did anything happen" he raises a eyebrow

"We kissed" I smirk

"That's it" he rolls his eyes

"What did you think we would do it in his car on the first date"

"Kinda yeah"

I roll my eyes "it was fun though I haven't been on a actually date in while it was nice he's really sweet"

"Just be careful when this is all over I don't
want you heartbroken"

"I'm not in love with the guy it just was a nice date" I tell him "how long are you staying?"

"I guess I can stay for the weekend unless you are busy"

"Nope I'm not so your staying"

"Okay" he smiles "but I actually have to go run a errand do you want to come?"

"Yeah let me go change" I go upstairs and change into black jeans and a t shirt and a black hoodie

"Ready" I tell him when I come downstairs


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