What part I hated most in the class.

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Actually, I respect all the teachers or instructors around the world, and I salute you. But please, don't be one of them who has a favorite student inside the class.(It's fine, but just be fair).

The students at the back, just talking about anything. Sometimes, people who sit at the back don't understand to the discussions of a teacher.(even if I was sitting in the front, I understand the people at the back)

I, we, want to learn. We are trying to cooperate, but your eyes we're only looking at your favorite student. Waiting that, that student had a right answer. But how about the others?

"Please take a look at the back, at the right or left side who are raising their hands for long, but you didn't noticed it."


Students are trying to be that, including me. Not only to your favorite student.

Well, at least I play fairly.

Another topic;
If life would be too awesome for poor, there will be no rich at all.

Financial problem. Lol. Lend me some..

That's all. Blah blah. Bye. Thank you.

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