Confused: A Jiley Story. Best Friends or More?

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I closed the door behind me, locked it, and hung my purse on a hook by the door. I yawned feeling so crappy, eager to crawl into bed, but I had to mope into the kitchen to feed the dogs. After that I went to my bedroom and stripped down my clothes. From there I went into my bathroom and took a steaming hot shower. I put my pink silk robe on with a “M” embroidered on the right breast pocket and went to my closet. I slid a thong on and found a sexy nighty, and made my way over to my bed. Once I got cozy I grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

One new Snapchat from Justin, I giggled at the snap of him blowing smoke from his blunt with the caption, Hey girlfriend(;. It was an inside joke actually, ever since I called off my engagement with Liam its rumored that we’re together. At least we’re not back on Nick Jonas again, that’s a blast from the past. I stuck my tongue out and grabbed my bong from my nightstand and licked it “Hey heartbreaker(;” I snapped back. We went back and forth quoting each other’s new music, like we did every night, until we both fell asleep around 3:30 Am.

I had a crazy dream that night, instead of Justin being my best friend he was my boyfriend. The dream was so vivid, us holding hands in public, him surprising me with flowers, snuggling enjoying a reefer, the rough sex, and just not giving a fuck.

I woke up with a feeling of disappointment, but I couldn’t wait to tell him about it. I got out of bed, and slid on my slippers. I went into the kitchen and screamed “Justin, What the fuck, you scared the shit out of me.”

“Good morning to you too, or afternoon it’s past 12:00.”

“What are you doing here?” I laughed, rolling my eyes.

“Honestly I had a dream about you last night, and wanted to see if you were alright.”

“Just because you had a dream that I got hurt, doesn’t mean I actually did, you live on the other side of LA that’s a little extreme, you could have texted me.”

“ I did, but you were still sleeping”

“ Sorry, Honestly though I had a dream about you too, it was a little bizarre.”

“ What happened in it?”

“ We were together fucking and all that shit.” We both exploded into laughter, though I wasn’t sure why it was so funny to him.

“I’ve had the same dream before, I’m starving though, let’s go grab some lunch.”

“You know if we get seen together...”

“Jiley fans will go crazy,” he laughed.

I went to my room and put on some shorts and a crop top, I brushed my teeth, put on some makeup, and styled my hair. Justin came in, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think it needed to take forever to get ready,” he joked. I rolled my eyed and grabbed my purse getting into his car lighting up a cigarette.

“Another new car?” I laughed.

“No an old car, just got bored with the other one.”

“The struggle,” I giggled and put out my cigarette, as we pulled up at a Hooter’s “At least this won’t be confused as a date,” I giggled. We went inside and got a table. I could tell he seemed upset about something, “What’s the matter?” I questioned him.

“Nothing just Selena, I’m sick of her dumping me then wanting to get back together when she sees I’m happy living my life.”

“Yeah, I keep getting threatened by her saying i’m just using you to get back at her for dating Nick, when I wasn’t over him, I’m like honey that was forever ago, I have closure now, Justin is just a friend, get a life.”

“Wow, that’s really low, why didn’t you tell me she was doing that?”

“Justin i’m old enough to fight my own battles.”

We ate our lunch and every time our waitress came over with her cleavage exploding through her shirt, I couldn’t help but tease Justin about his boner just to get him to blush. When we were all finished leaving we got up, and both agreed to play a joke on the scumbag paparazzi, who had finally showed up. I walked out with him holding his hand and the scary thing was that I liked it. I wasn’t sure if it was just holding hands with someone for the first time since Liam, but I got chills down my spin. Dammit Miley, I thought to myself, don’t fuck this friendship up. The worst part was when I looked over at him I could tell that the feeling was mutual and I looked down smiling like an idiot to myself.

Confused: A Jiley Story. Best Friends or More?Where stories live. Discover now