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"Come one wake up!" You heard your best friend Sam say "I'm up in up" you reply she laughs a little "good cause today we are look for a new job remember!" "ugh fine" you get up and put your clothes on you walk out and see Sam wearing the brightest pink dress ever "wow did u kill a unicorn?" You say jokingly "no I'm applying at Victoria secret in the mall" you smirk "secrets out... Your a pink goof!" You joke "haha very funny ... I guess your applying at Hot Topic" she says fixing her ponytail "yep!" Sam looks at you with fear " what if we don't get jobs?" She says "calm down we still got Spencer's" you joke she rolls her eyes and heads to the car "give me the aux cord" you said she looks at you "take turns?" She says "sure" you reply as she hands you the cord you blast your favorite sleeping with sirens song (above) you guys arrive and after about two hours you guys meet up at a froyo place right in front of hot topic and Victoria secret "so..." You said "did u get the job?" She frowns "yes! How about you!!!" You giggle a little "yes!!!" You guys go back home and have a sleepover you guys woke up at six in the morning to shower and (you wore image above) everything after that same drove you guys to the mall "good luck" Sam said you guys hugged and you walked in "_____!" You heard your manager yell in excitement "y-yes" you reply "how fun! A new comer!" After your intro you helped at the cashier "____!" Your manager yelled "check in the back there has been a lot of noise you nod and walk to the back you see a talk blond guy with a beanie Screaming and laughing with another blond guy holding a dildo "uhm..... Do I want to ask?" You say "uh uhm we were messing around for our YouTube channel see!" The beanie guy showed you the camera "cool I'm a youtubers to" you say "but seriously stop with the dildos its weird" you laugh and walk away "wait" the other blond one said you turned around "we need help looking for a gift for our friend he just went through a break up" he said "OK I'll help... just put the dildo back" they laugh "by the why I'm Kyle" the beanie one said "I'm Robby!" Said the other one "I'm______" you replied

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