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-next day-
You woke up at 10 am and walked out to see a sleeping Tyler on your couch (he slept on your couch cause it was to dark for him to go alone) you poke his cheek and woke him up "wake up" you said almost yelling "why????" he said still half asleep "if you dont wake up no food" he then shots up sitting now "im up im up wheres the food" he says jokingly tou laugh" you guys decide to go eat taco bell after you guys ate you guys hung out the whole day at around 5 you guys went to Tylers place tyler open the door too see Kyle weaeing legging over his pants with a dilso and Robny with legging over his face "i dont wanna know" you say putting your hands up after they recorder their video you hung out "hey you wanna go to walgreens?" Kyle suggest "sure" Tyler says everyone gets up and walks to walgreens it was 12:00 and you guys were one of the only people in there you were looking at hair dye and feel somerhing hit the back of your head and Tyler laughing you turn around to see a box of condums that was thrown at you on the floor you smirk and throw it back "your gonna have to try harder than that to sleep with me" you say jokingly you see him blush sloghtly and you laugh a little what you didnt notice was Robby vloged it all you guys were about to walk out until tyler threw anoyher box of condums at you "still not gonna work!" you say throwing it back he just laughs you guys went back and you fell asleep with your head on Kyle's sholder everyone was asleep

Tylers Pov
I woke up thinking about what _____ said about sleeping with her do i like her that way? No i go up and noticed _____ head on kyle i dont know why i got so mad but i did i walked into my room and locked my door maybe she doesnt like me.... Why does this hurt me?

Your pov
I woke up to have my head on Kyle i got up to see no Tyler on the couch where everyone fell asleep i walked over too Tylers room and opened the door he seemed mad "hey" he looks at me but says nothing "you ok?" i ask he just get closer to me our faces inches apart angrly starring into my eyes then he-

(Cliff hanger bitches!!!!! Well not really.... Love ya tho... How is the storh so far?)

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