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"Oh well hey ____" he says with a smirk "we got you something and _____ helped!" Kyle said pushing you towards Tyler a little "you didn't have to.." Tyler said with a smile you gave him the box "come inside" Tyler invited you felt awkward "uhm I have to go home it was nice meeting you though" you smiled and walked away "I can give you a ride" Tyler said "no thanks I live like 2 blocks away thanks any ways..... Thanks for the fun time guys!" You waved and walked away

Tyler's POV
She was cute....
"Open your gift!!!!!" Robby said in excitement "fine fine" I replied I opened it and saw a lot of candy my favorite candy and a lot of more stuff "thank you guys!" I hugged them "ya but_____ helped the most though we were gonna get you a dildo!" Kyle yelled we laughed and started hanging around "your doing better man"Kyle said I nodded man when Shannon broke up with me it was the worst thing ever...... I haven't seen anyone the way I see Shannon... Maybe ____ a little..

_____'s POV
He was cute... And awkward... But I just met him and not really met him I just know his name ..and he is a youtuber.... I'll search him up I got my laptop and looked him up ... Hus girlfriend was pretty prettier than me... Ya I have no chance but I already knew that 

You got your laptop and went on you now talking about your day and getting a lot of questions like a lot you decide to do a special guest you went on the guest list thingy and noticed a familiar name.... Tyler Hagen you acted dumb and acted like you didn't know him and clicked on him  " hey" he said with a smile "hey" you replied you didn't know what to talk about it was an awkward silence ... "Thanks by the way" he said "oh uhm no problem really" you said with a smile after talking for about two - three hours you said good bye to you now and got Tyler number

Tyler's POV
I saw ____ was guesting so I had to try to talk to her she actually picked me omg!

T:hey ✌
T:so what are you doing tomorrow?
_:nothing really
T:wanna maybe hang?
T:see ya tomorrow then night❤
_: night ❤

You went to sleep at around midnight but woke up at like three in the morning from your social Media notifications you checked them to see its new fan art new ships new hate from you talking to Tyler even from Shannon she got really jealous quickly....

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