500 years doesn't matter to me

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Defeating your first high-level monster was tough, but the person that entered your life afterwards made it even more rewarding. The Eye of Cthulhu may have been a formidable foe, but now she has taught you to overcome your fear of the haunting, and stare death right in the face. That was how you defeated [The Eater of Worlds/The Brain of Cthulhu] just a few days afterward.

Your town was bustling with activity: Marshanna and Xanos were talking quietly with each other, with many awkward pauses, DeAndre and Kaitlyn were on a date (as usual), Brett and Bailey were participating in playful banter, and Joseph and Lincoln were talking about old men stuff.

Everyone was actually out and about for once, purely because, A: it wasn't raining, B: No lunar events aren't going to happen tonight, and C: your pet zombie dealt with all the slimes, bringing back the gel like a dog.

It was just another beautiful day in [World name], and nothing could ruin it.

Except for the fact that you had a hopeless infatuation on a 500 year old plant lady, who was currently getting a hair cut at Petra's salon. What made your whole crush worse was that she was practically naked. Like, all the time. The only thing that covers her private parts were a few thin vines, and that was it.

You walk through the town you created, waving to everyone as they passed. Joseph shouted a marketing slogan at you, but you just smiled and shouted back, "Not today, Joseph! I've got a dryad to see!"

He nods his head in understanding and gives you a wink and thumbs up. You shoot him some finger guns before walking off.
As you get closer and closer to Petra's salon, you glance around at the specially themed houses you made for the town's inhabitants. A White House with a Red Cross painted on it, for Kaitlyn. A multicolored house for Bailey. A house made out of sandstone for Xanos. And, of course, a nature themed house for the dryad, Alura.

Before you knew it, you found yourself entering Petra's salon. You could hear the conversation they were having upon entering.

"Don't go exploring with scissors, they said! You won't get trapped in a spiders web, they said!" Petra exclaims, scoffing.

"Well, going exploring in Terraria is dangerous without a weapon in hand, and a few potions," Alura replies, closing her eyes.

Petra sighs, "I still can't believe I decided not to bring my scissors with me. It was absolutely horrid to have all of those bats fly into my hair! Not to mention the webs! It took me weeks to get the web out. I think there might still actually be some left."

"At least be glad [Player name] was there to save you before you starved!" The dryad says, sighing heavily. "Your own bodily needs should be more important than vanity."
Your heart flutters slightly as she mentions your name.

The stylist taps the scissors against her chin, in thought. "Well, doll, I guess you're right. But you are currently sitting in my salon, getting a haircut, so your statement is pretty contradictory."

The 5 century year old woman laughs that beautiful laugh of hers. God she's so beautiful. You took a deep breath before exiting the salon. I should probably consult her when she's NOT with other people... You exit the salon, hearing Petra say, "Doll, we seriously need to fix these split ends!"

You quickly run back to your house, your lightning boots soon kicking in, allowing you to sprint back into your house. You quickly stop and close the door behind you, sighing once your inside.

Maybe I can go see her at sunset, when she's at home.


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