Chapter 3

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I'd had a long day at school and I just wanted to fall asleep and not wake up until the end of senior year. I got into my car and turned up Something Big by Shawn Mendes as I drove home. My dad's car was in the driveway. Funny, he's never home this early. I let myself in and found my parents sitting in the living room.
"We thought you were doing a good job this year in school so we got you a gift." My dad said. Typical. Not even a hello or a how was your day, he just jumps right into it.
"Thanks. Um, what is it?" My mom sat up and smiled.
"Jenny, we know how much you love Shawn Mendes. So we got you tickets to see him live." I couldn't believe it. My parents never did anything this big for me. There had to be a catch.
"You can invite a friend. The concert is tomorrow."
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I ran to my room to pick out an outfit. I was going to see my husband. I changed into a crop-top and shorts. I called my friend Sarah.
"Sarah! Sarah! Sarah! My parents got me two tickets to see Shawn Mendes tonight!" She screamed and said she would go. We started fangirling and squealing until my dad called me down. We drove over to Sarah's house and after she hopped in, we drove off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~After the concert~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was waiting outside for my dad with Sarah. We were talking about the concert when I told her I needed to use the bathroom. I walked toward the venue. There had to be a bathroom in there. I found the bathroom and as I was walking out I saw Shawn. He was walking out of the men's bathroom when he saw me.
"Um, the concert is over." I just stood there staring at him until I realized he had spoken.
"I know. I had to use the bathroom." I noticed he wasn't looking at my face as I was speaking. I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at my boobs. I tried backing away and walked into the wall. He moved closer until his face was just a few inches away from mine.
"I really should teach you to not hang around where you don't belong." I opened my mouth to speak, but he crashed his lips onto mine. He was rough. Pushing me harder against the wall, his hands roaming all over my body. I pushed him away, breaking the kiss.
"You shouldn't be doing this." I told him. He smirked.
"Don't act like you don't want it."

A/N: Hahahahahaha evil me, leaving you hanging like this. I will post a part two soon. Byeee all you beautiful bastards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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