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Itachi sayed that he kiled the clan so he would be able to test his power. I was happy that he didn't kill Sasuke but I was disapointed to because I couldn't ghet to have Uchiha blood on my heands.
That was my least trought before I leaft.

Sasuke's pov

It has been a week since Itachi killed the clan.I haven't speak with anybody not even Naruto. He was with me that entire week,he tried to make me talk or speak but I didn't sayed a word. My broather sayed that if I want to have the power to kill him I will train and after that I would have to kill my best friend.

Naruto's pov

It was a week since the festival and the murder and Sasuke has stop speaking to me and he is sad because of Itachi I will make him happy again even if I have to act like a total Idiot.


Naruto's pov

It's been two years since I started acting like an idiot for Sasuke's sake and it worked some how because Sasuke is a little happy now. It is the last day of academi and two girls were trying to sit next to my Sasuke I belive they are named Sakura and Ino and that they are rivals. I want to put up a show because I know that the hokage is watching so I climbe on the desk in front of Sasuke and looked in to his eyes,this is when it happened some one has pushed me from behinde and my lips and Sasuke's locked into a kiss it was exciteing to have his lips on mine,they were so sweet I want to feel them more but I can't because I would be in trouble.


I am so happy I am in a team with my Sasuke but I am also in a team with that pink haired bitch called Sakura that wants to take my Sasuke away from me,I want to kill her but I can't because it will be suspicious so I am planing to ghet her killed in a mision. We were waiting for our Sensei For. Three. Houres.
And he hasn't come yet, I was about to ask Sasuke if he want to leave but that's whwn the door opened and before stood a man with gravity defying haire that wear a mask and has a book of Ycha Ycha Paradise,that pervert. He told us to meet him on the roof and asked to introduce ourselfs. He sayed his name was Hatake Kakashi.
I was the first to introduce my self I was supoded to tell my likes,my dislikes,my hobyed and my dreams for the future
"My likes are ramen"I lied
"My likes...the person I like is Sasuke"
"my dislikes is waithing for the ramen"I lied
"My dislikes are the people who try to hurt my Sasuke or try to take him awatmy from me"
"my hoby is playing pranks"I lied
"My hoby is watching Sasuke"
"My dreams is to be respected by the vilagers"I lied
"My dream is to be toghader with Sasuke for eternity"
I lied because I coudn't say what I was truly thinking. Next was Sakura.
"My likes I mean ....the person I like is....heheh."She sayed looking at my Sasuke.
"My hoby is.....hehe"She blushes while looking at My Sasuke.
"My dislike is Naruto." She yealed,well gues what bitch I don't like you to.
"And my dreams is to.....heheh"  She did not throuhgt what I think she did because if it"\'s true I will kill her. It was my Sasuke's turn.
"I like........"
"I dislike anoying people"while he sayed that he looked at Sakura
"My hoby is training."
"And my dream is to kill a certain some one."
"All right you are all diferent from one another so meet me tomorow at training grownd 7 for a surviving test at 6 o'clock."
Kakashi-sensei sayed then he disapired.
"I wander what will happen tomorow" With that sayed I fallowed Sasuke home then returne to my own home.
That is the kimono Sasuke wear.

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