I've been taged....

421 4 45

Hello everyone! My name is Dark Sasuke, and sorry that you guys thought it was another chap but unfortunately, it's not. Apparently I've been tagged by SmashFlashWriter. Yes, and I have to do it.... Anyways, on to the tagged rules and questions!

These are my rules:
1) Make your own rules
2) Must answer the 13 questions I give you
3) You must tag 3 people
4) Ask the 13 questions to those people you tagged
5) You have to tag no matter what
6) You have till October 7 to do this

Now, on to the questions...

1) what's your favorite fandom?
Super Smash Bros

2) Do you watch anime? If so, what's your favorite?
1) Soul Eater
2) Black Butler
3) Baka and Test
4) Blue Exorcist
5) Fairy Tale
And many more.

3) What's your favorite #?

4) Who's your favorite character (s) in general?
Sheik, Pit, Roy, Sonic, and Daisy.

5) If you were able to meet your favorite character (s), what will you say first?
*fan girls*

6) what's your favorite letter(s)?

7) why did you get Wattpad?
I have my reasons. But one of those reasons were that I want to make my own fandom, and my shippings to be canon.

8) What's your dream?
To become a professional smash player( once I had the game), and enter one of the smash competition.
And my reality dream is classified. ( I won't tell u my real life dream when I grow up).

9) How old are you?
To personal but I would say in my teenage years.

10) what's the worst thing that ever happen to you?
Noting cause I can't remember...

11) Do you play video games? If so, what's your favorite game?
Yes and Super Smash Bros ( Brawl and Wii u)

12) if you watch a horror movie late at night, what's your reaction when you go to bed?
Well, I'll be afraid of the dark, and basically, nothing when I go to sleep.

13) what do you do after you have a nightmare and wake up to see that its the middle of the night?

Go back to sleep.... Or go on phone...

Finally I'm done! Now for the people I will tag is:




There! ( I'm sorry tho) now here are my questions!
1) What's your first anime?
2) Who's your first couple? ( in anime or video game. It could be yaoi, yuri, or whatever floats your boat)
3)what's your favorite song(s) in anime?
4)  favorite food?
5) What do you do on your spare time?
6) Your favorite Drink?
7) Do you play Pokémon go?
8) Favorite Anime character (s)?
9) worst anime character (s)?
10)  what type/genre of video game you prefer?(ex: rp, RPG, violence, teen, rated e for everyone, etc)
11) your favorite villain? ( in video game or anime)
12) do you have social app? ( ex: Facebook, Twitter, etc)
13) Do you draw?

There I'm done! So, as always, I'll see you in the next chap! Bye!

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