Truth #4 and Dare # 7

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Daku: what's up dudes it's Daku and I'm back again!!

Sheik: You finally came back

Roy: oof it's been a long time since we've done this.

Pit: Well, I hope you finally manage to get everything settle Daku

Daku: I did, but then fucking College comes up, and hopefully I get everything in order.

Sonic: so it's an ongoing process?

Daku: I'm done with the apps that needed to be filled. I'm just waiting for the college to accept me.

Sonic: Yikes

Daku: Yikes indeed. And I've finished my semester, and to make this better, I have a week off because of the regents.

Sheik: Wait, why aren't you in the regents?

Daku: I didn't get an invitation, so I'm taking one in June.

Roy: well that's good to hear

Sonic: yeah, now you can finally update, right?

Daku: I can't promise you guys anything but I'll try.

Daku: So, lets not waste time and get this started!! Roy, if you may do us the honor to read it?

Roy: sure, From: SmlashOtaku says, "Okay, I dare Sheik to kiss Shulk."

Sheik: WHAT?!

Daku: remember the one episode where you said to not dare you anything stupid?

Sheik: yeah.

Daku: SmlashOtaku has done you a favor.

Sheik: I can't believe this.

Daku: anyway, lets not waste any time!!

~the hang out room~

There, was Shulk, talking to his friends Robin and Link in the living room. Sheik, standing by the doorway, tries to leave. But Zelda and Lucina wouldn't allow her and push her towards the guys. The guys started to notice the girls and smiled at them. "Hey, aren't you with Daku a moment ago?", Link asked. "Yeah but my lovely younger sister Sheik here is doing a dare", Zelda responded, with a smile. Link started to sweat the moment his princess started to smile that way, along with the tone of hers. "What kind of dare is it?", Robin asked. "A dare that involves Shulk", Lucina asnwered, smiling towards her best friend, as an encouragement. 'Lucina, your not helping', Sheik thought. The whole group was waiting for Sheik to do something. Nothing. Nothing happens for the last 5 minutes and each minute gets even more awkward. Shulk was going to say something until he felt something on his lips. It was just a quick peck on the lips, and Sheik left in a puff of smoke with a red face. "Aww, that's so cute", Lucina said.

"Yeah, remember you did that to me and your father caught us."

"Oh yeah, it was funny when he tried to kill you and I have to stop him."

" Awww, I remember how Link is always so shy around me. It was really cute and he kissed me and left running out the room during the Melee tournament."

"Zelda you still remembered that?!"

Everyone was too busy remembering thier first kiss, that they forgotten the dare that just happen. Shulk was just standing there in shock, with his face red and steam coming out from his head.

~ 10 mins later ~

Daku: geez what took you guys so long?

Zelda: Sheik took a long time to do it. But she did it anyways.

Daku: Where's Lucina?

Roy: trying to get Sheik coming out of her room.

Daku: oh, well then, Sonic can you read the next one?

Sonic: right, from ParadoxAce says:

Truth: Pit, who do you have a crush on?

Pit: My crush?

Roy: yes

Pit: Ike

Sonic: Wow, someone isn't afraid to say their significant one

Daku: I'm surprised too actually, wait, did you hang around with Scar?

Pit: noooo....

Zelda: then why are you answering like that?

Pit: no reason😋😊

Daku: okay then, I guess were done here for today.

Zelda: if you guys have any dares

Roy: or any questions at all

Sonic: either for us or Daku, questions only guys she knows what you lot are capable of. Especially you ScarletKnightTatania. Then leave your dares and questions for us smashers in the comment box.

Pit: And as Daku always says

Daku: I'll you see guys in the next episode/chap

Everyone: See ya!

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