[001] Chapter One.

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The sky was a deep blue, complimenting the rust-red rock formations that hid in between the dying and -- very -- dried up grass. The Albuquerque desert was a beautiful site if you looked at it long enough, but it was a shame that the only company it ever saw were teenagers sneaking out of their homes to smoke a cigarette and little kids who were too young to care about nature and scenery. Normally, the only noise that was ever heard in the desert were the sounds of animals, and those often consisted of squirrels and birds.

But today was different.

A pair of pants -- taupe, women's dockers -- are barely hanging onto a green hanger. It's not long before the pants come flying off the piece of plastic and descend, tumbling to the ground. The dockers are soon to be run over and torn to shreds by the wheels of a Winnebago. A Winnebago . . . with bullet holes in the door?

Inside the recreational vehicle there sits a reckless driver wreaking havoc in the Albuquerque desert. The driver's hands are clutching so hard to the wheel that her knuckles are almost completely pale. To say the woman is scared would be an understatement, she was full blown frightened.

The woman isn't the only person in the vehicle. Beside her, there lay an unconscious body of a redheaded woman. Blood stains her clothing and part of her face, but the gas mask does a fine job covering that up.

However, redhead and reckless driver aren't alone in the Winnebago.

Behind them, there's a whole lot more chaos. Beakers, measuring cups, droppers, trays, bags, things usually found in science and chemistry labs are dropping to the floor of the RV, breaking instantly. On the floor, however, lay two dead bodies. Female. Their bodies are being tossed around like rag dolls, bumping into each other and crashing into the lab equipment every five seconds. Accompanying the mess is a blizzard of cash. Twenty grand, to be precise.

Reckless driver eventually loses total control of the car due to not being able to see anything (reason number two to hate gas masks) and crashes the Winnebago. Finally, the desert reaches total silence. At least, for a couple seconds, before the door of the RV kicks open and out comes the reckless driver wearing nothing but a bra and underpants. she takes off her gas mask, finally being able to see clearly, but she's also exhausted. She begins a coughing fit before controlling herself and readjusting her posture.

She's in her mid-40s. mild-faced. . . . Pasty. She doesn't appear to be the kind of woman who would make a living out of working with her two hands. Not a person who we'd pay much attention to if someone passed her on the street. But right now? They better stay the fuck out of her way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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