Leaving me

14 3 2

7 months later...

Today's the last day for us on tour. We've finished all the concerts since last night,which absolutely rocked.

We're currently hauling our luggage off the tour bus and going into the airport.

I'm going home.

We all get into the airport and with 30 mins to spare till the flight leaves we decide to get something to eat.

"Well that's the end of that," Em smiles sadly as she bites into her sandwich.

"Yep," I can't believe it's over now. For a couple months I got to sing for Asking Alexandria with my best friend. I lived my dream for a short period and now it's over.

Ben's found a new lead singer for the band. Denis shaforostov. A Ukrainian frontman of a band called Down and Dirty.

I didn't mind to be honest. I'm actually excited that they're getting a new vocalist. It's tough.

"Vana,I've been thinking...a lot about this..." Em says looking up as she finishes eating.

"Do you want to start our own band? Like,we've just spent 8 months touring with Ben and Asking and we both know it's our dreams to be doing something like that. I've just been thinking about it alot. And you're able to play bass and electric and I could play keyboard or electric guitar aswell you know? And we could both sing. I thought our harmonies worked really cool together," she smiles widely,getting excited as she explains.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" I ask raising an eyebrow. But in all honesty I'd absolutely love to start up out own band. We'd need more people but twos enough to start off with plus she's my best friend and we had so much fun on tour.

"Umm..like 3 years maybe," she blushes nervously and laughs.

"Oh my god Emily!" I laugh with her and soon agree. We're gonna start a band and hopefully the dream won't die today. Just because we're leaving tour today doesn't mean this won't happen again.
"A dream will only fade if you let it".
(My own quote right there;) you're welcome).

Excited we exit the café with everyone and get to our gate just on time before they begin boarding.

"So this is it Ms. White," I turn around knowing exactly who it is and pull him into the tightest hug I could possibly give. Tears start flowing down my face quickly and are soaked up by Andy's shirt.

"I don't want to leave," I sob through more tears.

"I know Vana, it's okay," He continues to hug me for what feels like forever. I don't want this to end. This feeling right now. Safety. Security. Is it strange to feel this way in the arms of a friend I've only known for 8 months?
Nothings made me feel better than this. I can genuinely smile even through the tears.

"I'll miss you so much Andy," I whisper into his shoulder. He breaks the hug,gripping my shoulders so I'm facing him.

"Hey, we'll see each other soon I promise. I'll do whatever I can. You're my best friend and you know I won't leave your side- metaphorically speaking," he laughs placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

I hug the rest of the band as much as I can trying not to cry in the process and then grab my suitcase.

As Em and I are about to leave Andy quietly speaks in a soft voice.

"I love you," I turn around to see him with tears in his eyes.

"I love you too," I smile warmly and leave with Emily to the plane.

Filler I guess,hope ur liking this story. There's a lot to come very very soon. I'm not going to spoil it but let's just say get ready for the next few chapters.

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I'll be updating in the morning
It's a eventful chapter in this story.

Love u all


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