Talking Zombies - Wooflan - Demon AU

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[Okay so this gets pretty fucking graphic. Don't read this if you don't wanna have pictures of dismembered limbs- ok I'll stop there. If you wanna read it go ahead that's what I wrote it for, just a little warning! It starts off nice but by the end... Well...

Ah what the fuck have I just written XD


/for the pack/

It was a beautifully dark night, snow fell rapidly, covering the feet of Rob and his secret companion following close behind him. Hoods covering their freezing faces, they ran through thick tall spruce trees until finally a clearing was reached. It held little safety from the elements, but the advantage of better vision was a safer option that staying in the trees where monsters would quickly surround them both. They knew they would be safe from monsters in this position due to them hating any direct light from the sun or the moon.

Body to body, they call us The Pack,
Body to body, square up and attack.
Body to body, these monsters around me,
If we do not die I'll be happy with that.

The two shook hands before pulling down hoods and glancing upon each other's faces once again. Deep brown eyes met with icy blue under the now calming skies. Stars were slowly forming overhead as the two men began to pull their bags off their backs and rummage through them for food and so on. Little did the two know a pair of eyes were watching them as they set up watch schedules for the night.

Hundreds of creepers are right in my face,
How in the world did they get in this place?
How in the world are we handling this?
Lucky for me I brought plenty of steak.

However the orange piercing eyes lighting the small area around them were quickly extinguished when Rob's companion checked around the clearing in a circle. As he scanned the rest of the tree line, the pair of orange eyes followed even the smallest of movements he made.

Rob's eyes flicked over to the pair of eyes for a second but he just disregarded them as two fireflies come out to play early in the night.

I've got your back and I hope you've got mine,
We been in this spot too many times.
We've been to the top, killed them all,
And took everything from like hundreds of mines

The flame orange eyes were soon joined by a pair of deep navy blue, adding to the glow in the shadows.

Signalling to each other, the beings began to make their way around the clearing, circling the two men as they set up a small fire. The pairs would be less noticeable now due to the rainbow fireflies coming out to play in the dark recesses of the tree line. Using this to their advantage, the beings began to climb higher into the branches of the trees.

Back to back we slay everybody,
all this time and they never got me.
All the time I've been one of the best,
If you don't think so just sit back and watch me.

Back in the small camp they had set up, the two men were now sitting and engaging in slightly awkward conversation.

"So, I never got your name." Rob said snowflakes falling into his and the other's hair, adding to the snow beneath their feet.

Taking Zombies - Wooflan - Demon AU - One ShotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin