Shall we?

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Hey guys!

So I started this book club because let's face it, in most book clubs you just read other people's books and the rotation never gets to you so I decided why wait till forever for the turn of my book when I can just start my own book club?

General info about this club.

1. This club will run only during summer holidays then it will go on hold till the next summer.

2. In this club, we don't want any hate or rudeness.

3. Each person will be put in groups of three and will read the first few chapters of each group member's work leaving sensible comments.

4. A book will be chose at random every week and that will be out spotlight book of the week. The book will be promoted on my profile and in this book.

5. To join all you need to do is follow my account (follow my twitter account too if you have a twitter @Deola_wattpad) so you will be able to get messages and information and fill out the form that will be given out in the next chapter.

How this club will work.

1. Every week, we will be out in groups of three where we have to read each person's book and drop meaningful comments on the first four chapters.

2. A random book will be chosen and each person on the group will read two chapters of it leaving comments then coming to the part where the book will be promoted on here telling that they have done so.

3. Each spotlighted book will be put in a new reading list that I will create names 'Glazed book of the week'

4. Be respectful and dedicated to the club please.

Thank you.

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