Book of the week #2

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Twisted Bargains

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Twisted Bargains


Lydia has a chance to win her heart's desire, for a small bargain. In six months, she must resist Nibhi's advances as he tries to win her over for his own chance at winning.

However, as the deal goes on, Lydia realizes that nothing is as straightforward as she believed. Magic, lies, and secrets make each day a challenge.

At the end of the six months, an unexpected winner emerges. Not everything is black and white, and, as they learn, you don't have to be in love to find a soulmate.

As for what I am looking for:

Honest, brutal comments..


So the deal is, every group member should read the first two chapters of the book and drop comments on both chapters with the hashtag #BOTW so we can find the comments easily.

Then when you're done....come here and drop a comment stating that fou are done and stating what you overall think of the book. Okay?

If you fail to finish the assignment your book would lose its chance of being the next BOTW.

That's all for now.

Till next week!!

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