Book of the week #3

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A light by the sea

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A light by the sea


Dana finds a cozy place to escape her problems when she moves to the lighthouse by the sea, but the quiet doesn't last long when a selkie washes up near her doorstep. Dana is quickly infatuated with her, but getting to know the magical creature proves to be more of a struggle than Dana bargains for.

Things to comment on: I just uploaded the revised first chapter, so I'd love to know how it reads and if anything seems out of place. How do people feel about Dana's reaction to Erin? Other than that I'd like to know what people think of the characters and the story itself and if it holds people's interest or not.


So the deal is, every group member should read the first two chapters of the book and drop comments on both chapters with the hashtag #BOTW so we can find the comments easily.

Then when you're done....come here and drop a comment stating that fou are done and stating what you overall think of the book. Okay?

If you fail to finish the assignment your book would lose its chance of being the next BOTW.

That's all for now.

Till next week!!

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