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I race down the roads of my town in North America my heart pounding as fast as a drum. I get to my friends front door and knock."Um hello? Oh AnnaBeth come in!"
"Ariana.... I'm moving to Tokyo!"
Just then Ariana fainted at her front door I was shocked at this movement. She woke up limp and started crying . "Ariana.."
"AB tell me this isn't true!?"
"Well it's true my dad got a new job there and we have to move" Her eyes filled with tears and she hugged me.
"When are you moving AB?"
"In a couple hours.. I wanted to tell you now instead of after I left America" We said our final goodbyes and I left for Tokyo.While we were on the plane my mom tested my brother and I on our Japanese over and over again. I texted my boyfriend the only person I didn't talk to before I left for Japan.

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