Chapter 2: Something New

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   I shot a look at my brother. My hair was drenched and I wasn't in the mood for this. I wanted to be alone to think. I was stressed about the move and friends.
  "AB I'm really sorry I didn't mean to.."
   "Laurence! Please just leave!" I said angrily.  He jumped out of the pool and left me to be alone. I sighed and laid back down on the float. Just then I heard noises from my phone.
          I got out of the pool and grabbed my phone. It said one new text massage. I didn't recognized the number so I went inside. I asked my mom who this was. She introduced me to someone in our neighborhood.
    "Um hi.."I said perplexed
     "Hi I'm Naomi I am one of your neighbors!" She was excited and happy to meet me. It was like she wanted to be my friend.
   "Oh um hi I'm AnnaBeth." She looked disappointed I wasn't as excited as her. We got into a deep conversation. Naomi wasn't that bad and turns out we became close.
       That day we went around Tokyo. Naomi even introduced me to her friends. By then I already had 4 friends I was happy. I wasn't worried about changes anymore.
    I was happy to be starting something new. Life has changes and I needed to accept that. I was getting used to vibes and I hung out with my new friends all day. We went over to Naomi's house and spent the night.
            Before you knew it we were out like a light. Our day had been pretty crazy but exciting. Maybe moving to Tokyo was a great idea not a horrible one. After awhile things went pretty great. I woke up to Naomi shaking me.
          She shook and shook me trying to get me alive. I finally woke up and we went to eat brunch. We ate brunch at this cool cat cafe in down town Tokyo. I enjoyed petting all the different kinds of cats. Cats of all size,shape and breed.
Naomi drove me home about an hour after brunch. I walked up to the front door when someone caught my eye. I looked over and saw a boy around my age. My eyes wouldn't get off of him. He looked up from doing his chores.
He lifted his hand and waved. I swung the door open and ran inside. I slammed the door shut and ran all the way to my room. I peeked out my window and saw him looking confused. He went right back to mowing his lawn. I sighed and looked at him while he mowed the lawn.
My door opened and I quickly sat down in my desk. My mom looked pissed and her mouth opened.
"AnnaBeth! Do not slam the front door ever again! Do you hear me!!!"
"Yes mam I was just I saw someone and I got worried... And I ran in the house... I.... I'm sorry mother.." My mother sighed and sat down on the corner of my desk. She knew I was looking at someone before she came in here.
She grabbed the blinds and looked out my window."AnnaBeth there's no one outside honey..."
I sighed in relief. He was gone and my mom would never find out about him. She would never find out about the boy next door. My mother looked confused and she left my room quietly.
I then got a text Jackson I was confused seeing that he hated me now. He said somethings to me  and I was shocked at what he texted. This is what he said..
"AB... Look I'm sorry I acted that way and you deserve someone else I can't believe I said that to you.. I want us to be friends at least. We dated for 6 years and I miss you... Even though I've moved on I want you back into my life.."
I looked at my text massages but I didn't text him back. He kept saying I know you are looking at the texts! Over and over again he said that until I said...
"Jackson this won't work out even as friends.. I've moved countries away from you.. How in this damn world do you think I can talk to you 24/7! Honestly Jackson I'm not trying to be rude but .. It's hard enough trying to talk to my best friend all the time.."
  All he responded with was the three dots. I said I was sorry but he didn't respond. He just looked at the text and that's it. He was pissed and he knew I knew it. I wanted to cry but I didn't. Parts of me were upset.
   I moved on with my day and I drove around the city with my brother. We ate dinner while our parents worked late. We ate McDonalds our tradition. Every time my brother and I go out together we eat there.
   I told him about what happened with
Jackson that day. He wanted to get on my phone and text him. Laurence has never liked Jackson. He always said he was so full of himself. He was in love with himself .
I ate my chicken while he talk about Jackson. I was happy our parents worked late so we could do our tradition. The tradition is when our parents work late. My brother and I go out to McDonald's and eat. It's been something for awhile thanks to our baby sitter. My brother and I stay there to catch up. He never tells me things anymore.
         Ever since I screwed up his last relationship with his EX Maddie. She was sweet but she became one of my best friends. She hated going over to my house to be with me. But she always had to hang out with him. Since then he never tells me anything. When I ask whys wrong he avoids me. When he's angry he avoids me.
     Honestly our relationship is not healthy. And that's why we are here. I offered to take him out to make up with him and to bond. He started telling me things. They hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't hold the weight! It's been hard for him to...
    Then he told me something I didn't want to know... Something that bothered me so much. I ran out of McDonald's. I got in my car and I left him. I left him at McDonald's. In Tokyo...

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