Chapter 1 : A Fresh Start

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"AB! Why didn't you tell me you were moving to Tokyo!?" My boyfriend texted me multiple times. I wanted to cry of sadness and anger.
"look Jackson I don't control what my dads job is okay? I can't help it and honestly if you don't have to date me anymore okay!?"my anger let out like a million lightning bolts jolting out of my body. My brother looked over at me and wiped my tear I nodded my head and he sighed.
"Fine then AB.... We're done...." He texted me back finally and I said good that's all my heart could take. I loved Jackson but I had to let him go. I guess that was the end of us.
I fell asleep in a dark dream full of fear,new people, and new faces. I never had a dream like this I guess these thoughts got to me. The new friends, new guys lots of new guys. New food, new buildings.
I was very excited but nervous I was ready for a fresh new start. My mom made sure we new the basics of Japanese before we got off the plane. My mom can be a little nervous about those things.
"Mom you tested us 50 times on the plane I think we're good." My mom laughed and we drove to our new home. I started school in a few months because it was summer. I thought at least I have time to adjust.
That night we drove around Tokyo and ate out to eat. Honestly who knew the city was so beautiful yet so crazy and chaotic. I loved it already and I was excited to discover more!
My parents thought it would be a good idea if we asked for people's numbers. I laughed at the idea and I kept quite. My parents wanted us to have friends already but I just wasn't ready. My brother and I sat on the couch together and watched anime.
"Er yes Is everything okay..?
"You and Jackson how did he take the news?" I looked down at my phone and tried not to cry. I wanted to text with Ariana but I realized it is going to be difficult. I loved but hated this new start.
"I'm sorry AB I was just curious I promise"
"He was furious" I spoke up finally making his face more relaxed.
"I'm sorry that you guys broke up. I know this has been a hard change for you..."
"I will be just fine thank you though." I sighed and got up from the couch and went upstairs to my room. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. It was night time but it would soon be morning for Ariana. I didn't want to wait for her to wake up.
I eventually got under my sheets and fell asleep. I quickly rolled into a peaceful dream filled with Sakura trees. The petals fall from the trees swiftly yet gracefully. I wanted to see more. As I walked into the light of the dream it was just me.
I walked alone by myself wanting the dream to never end. Yet my eyes flung open at the sound of my alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and turned off the alarm."Huh I didn't set an alarm...."
"Good morning sunshine!!" My moms wide eyes stared at me. I pulled the covers over my head.
"I made your favorite! Chocolate chip waffles!" My covers flew off me as I raced down to the kitchen. It smelled like chocolate my favorite. I grabbed a few waffles and smothered them with butter and syrup. I quickly scarfed it down and went back upstairs.
I got on my laptop and I accepted a Skype call from Ariana. "ARI!"
"OMG AB!! I can't believe you got it that early in the morning to!"
"You really think I would ignore talking to my best friend in the whole world you idiot!"she laughed and we talked for hours.
"I hate to tell you this AB but Jackson has a new girlfriend again. Don't worry she isn't as pretty as you though"
"You really think I give a crap he can do whatever he wants to know. I'm independent no man can control me I am who I am" We laughed and talked.
She finally had to leave and I got dressed. I put a bathing suit under my clothes and went outside. I took my cover up off and jumped in the pool. I sighed and laid on the float.
I opened my eyes when I hear the door open and close. That's when I noticed my brother running towards the pool. He jumped in leaning me soaking wet.

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