Question 56

65 1 13

Would U Rather quit using Wattpad Or YouTube?
-NO! MY WEAKNESSSS. Can't decide. Sorry not sorry. 😂👍🏻
Hey Guys! How's life? Mines Alright *cough* horrible. Anyway, The holidays are almost over....😭😭 Torture season is nearly coming. And I have a song to recommend to u all.

Silent Scream By Anna Blue.
Best thing is that it's on Spotify 😝.
And it really relate to the song. A LOT.
Really sorry if the song can't load or play.

People think my life is perfect. My parents love me, my family is rich(I Guess) and I always have a smile on my face. What they don't know is that.... I'm not perfect.
I was never perfect from the start.
Sure, my parents ask me to follow my dreams and all,
But...... They expect too much from me. Sometimes, it gets too much that I want to let out a scream. But when I open my mouth, nothing comes out. In school is nothing better as well, grades, bullying and friends. 
My friends are there to make me laugh and have fun and all..... But.... They are starting to leave me out. They are laughing and talking as if I'm not there. They don't even realise that I have walked away or ignoring them.
I don't even know whether to confront them about it or just pretend everything is ok. Like none of that ever happened.

Anyway, I will probably won't be updating for 4 months or so cause PSLE IS COMING! PSLE is basically like leaving exam before you go to another school. So... Yeah. Sorry for not updating till then I Guess. Bai.

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