Question 57

55 0 2

Would U Rather be a Singer Or a Actress?
-Hmm.... Singer. Since I like music 😍🎶
Hi guys! Updated since I got my phone for a while. New song to recommend again.
Its called Make You Believe by Lucy Hale. Can really relate to this. Again.
Skip if you don't want to see rant of a useless person's life.

The whole song reminds me of me. But the chorus is the one that gets me.

I'll make you believe in me
I can be what you want me to be
Tonight is the night
Where I make you see
That I can be anything
Anything, anything

I can be anything. I'll make them believe that I can make anything. Even if they want me out, I'm make them believe.
Pretend I'm fine with it. Pretend I don't care. Pretend I'm ok. Pretend I'm not in pieces.

Guess that's it for now. See ya

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