4 - I'm PiCtUrInG a WaLmArT cAsHiEr

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"Where exactly are we going?" I asked while having to jog to keep up with a walking Oscar.

"Home." he replied, as we walked out of the school's front door.

"School isn't out yet." I whispered as we approached his car.

"Get in." he spat, throwing the door open.

"Just to be clear, if I do this, my dad's getting his job back?" I said, sitting in the passengers seat.

"If you do this and it works." he said, putting on his seatbelt."Buckle up."


I have to admit, being in a red ferrari isn't as safe as it looks. I, for one, was scared to death when he pushed down the accelerator.

The car threw me back into my seat and before I could count to three, Oscar had parked the car into a garage and was getting out.

"That was fast." I said, while getting out of the car , forgetting to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"You passed out most of the time." he walked out of the garage and then pushed a button on the remote and began to lock me inside.

I ran and then fearfully ducked under the closing garage door before running up to meet up with Oscar. I walked past a fountain before I realised houses for teenagers didn't have fountains.

"Where are we?" I panted, walking up a brick path to a mansion with a marble door and granite walls painted white.

"This is my house, Roadkill, don't stare too much." He smiled before using a golden key to unlock the front door: "After you."

The interior of the house was breathtaking - literally - I couldn't breathe for five seconds. We walked straight into a living room of some kind ; there was a cinema screen TV that faced a sofa to its front and two loveseats to its sides. On the sofa was a girl who went through channels with the wave of her hand.

"Hey, Feyn." Oscar smiled and the girl jumped at the sound of his voice and ran up to him.

"Oscie!" she squealed and he picked her up and spun her around while burying his face in her neck and inhaling the smell of her hair. I would have been transfixed by the fact that the bad boy had taken me to his house and that he was capable of having any feelings if I wasn't already transfixed by how soft the carpet beneath my feet was.

He dropped the girl and I realised how alike they looked. I mean, she was obviously his sister and all but it looked like she was his clone. She ignored me completely and went back to her channel surfing. Rude - just like her brother.

He started walking again and I followed him to a grand staircase which looked like it cost more than my house and it probably did since it was made out of glass. He walked up the stairs and I followed him warily, afraid the stairs would break under my weight and I would end up with glass shards in my neck.

"The floor's marble." he sighed without turning back to look at me.

'I knew that." I relaxed more on the stairs.

"Sure you did."

We finally got to the top of the stairs and he walked up to a door. He opened it and I tried to follow him in.

"What do you think you're doing?" he proceeded to stop me.

I took a step back.

"Wait for me." He closed the door in my face. 

I exhaled and scanned my surroundings. I was standing in a corridor that had red pulsh carpet and three doors that were distanced from each other. I guessed they were the family's bedrooms. Oscar opened the door to his room and slammed me in the back with it.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Why were you standing so close?" he closed the door and started walking down the corridor to the last door.

When I stepped into the door, I was hit with a fresh scent of lemon and lime tea. The room resembled closely Cat Grant's office in Supergirl apart from the fact that the desk and table were replaced by cinema seats and the TVs were one huge cinema screen. Oscar picked up a cool looking camera from one of the bookshelves and then handed it to me:

"You're going to snoop around Flaca Dains' room and take pictures of every inch of it."

"No." I took a step back, "no way. That's crazy!"

"I'm picturing a Walmart cashier." Oscar smiled.

"Ok fine!" I took the camera from him, "but what if I get caught?"

"Let's make sure you don't." He walked out of the room and into a woman with diamonds that put my jewelry box to shame.

"Oscar!" The woman's voice was loud and I felt like bowing to her.

"Grandmother." Oscar closed the door, "What brings you here?"

"I was looking for you."

"Of course you were, I mean what are you doing in my house?" he snapped.

"Good afternoon." I suddenly spoke.

"Nice talk ma, find your way out." Oscar grabbed me by my wrist, marched down the stairs and into his car.

We sat in silence for a few seconds.

"I'm guessing your parents share a room with your sister?" I tried to break the silence.

"It's my house."

"I know I mean - oh." we retreated back into the silence.

Oscar suddenly turned the key in the ignition and the garage door rose slowly. I felt like I was in a James Bond movie especially when he turned on the radio and Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman began to blast through the speakers and Oscar rolled the windows down.

Flaca Dains, here I come.

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